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Live Reporting

Yaroslav Lukov and Sophie Williams

All times stated are UK

  1. End of our live coverage

    Riot police seal off the main roads in Hong Kong
    Image caption: Riot police seal off the main roads in Hong Kong

    We're now suspending our live coverage of the dramatic and fast changing events which have been taking place in Hong Kong.

    Live footage suggests that the situation is calm now, with riot police fully in charge and no sign of demonstrators near the government district.

    This is a dramatic turnaround from only a few hours ago, when crowds stormed and ransacked Hong Kong's parliament.

    It followed weeks of unrest in the city over a controversial extradition law.

    You can still follow all the latest developments on this and other news stories on the BBC News website.

  2. 'Protesters cleared in half an hour'

    The BBC's Grace Tsoi at the scene on the dramatic events in Hong Kong

    "At about 10:30pm police said they would be clearing the protest site soon. And protesters near the Legislative Council building were expecting them to come any minute.

    They were barricading themselves with railings, water-filled barriers and umbrellas.

    Minutes past midnight, hundreds of police officers in full gear - batons, helmets, shields and gas masks - closed in on thousands of young protesters, many of them in their early 20s, from Lung Wui Road.

    Police raised black flags warning the protesters that “tear smoke” would be fired.

    Within minutes, we saw at least two canisters of tear gas fired at the protesters.

    In response, umbrellas were thrown at the police.

    But protesters gave up their barricades very swiftly and dispersed to Harcourt Road. More tear gas was fired - but we couldn’t get a clear view.

    In the space of about half an hour, thousands of protesters were cleared.

    Their supplies - first aid kits, goggles and bottles of water - were left on the roads."

  3. Protesters avoided violent confrontation - legislator

    Fernando Cheung, a member of the Legislative Council, was in the building with the protesters.

    He told the BBC that those inside had deliberately avoided a violent confrontation with the police.

    "It is fortunate that I think all of the demonstrators retreated and they basically left safely without any actual encounters with the police.

    "We're glad that is what happened. If they resisted, or anyone who would resist leaving the Legislative Council [sic], I'm afraid there would be bloodshed, or I think the police wouldn't be hesitant to use force to disperse them.

    "There were a group of protesters who came back and grabbed the few who said they would be determined to stay, even risking their lives, and, of course, the rest of the protesters didn't agree and they came back and they dragged them out.

    "And we're actually glad that happened," the legislator said.

  4. Photo gallery: Parliament ransacked

    Images from inside the parliament building which was briefly occupied by protesters.

    Shattered glass at the parliament building
    Image caption: Protesters broke though the glass entrance to the parliament
    A smashed portrait of the President of the Legislative Council, Andrew Leung
    Image caption: A portrait of the President of the Legislative Council, Andrew Leung, was smashed
    A protesters sprays graffiti onto the wall of the parliament chamber
    Image caption: Walls of the parliament chamber were defaced by graffiti
    Barricades inside the parliament building
    Image caption: Barricades were erected inside the parliament building
    Protesters with the old British colonial flag inside the parliament
    Image caption: Protesters also raised the old British colonial flag in the chamber
  5. Police secure parliament building

    The parliament building has been retaken from the protesters.

    Live footage shows riot police moving around the building to fully secure it.

  6. Storming of parliament in pictures

    Protesters have left the Legislative Council after smashing their way through glass doors and metal shutters.

    Here's what the storming of parliament looked like in pictures.

    Protesters attempt to break the glass at the Legislative Council
    Image caption: Protesters attempt to break the glass at the Legislative Council
  7. Dialogue offer rejected - media

    Jeffie Lam, who works for Hong Kong's South China Morning Post newspaper, tweets that protesters had requested a dialogue with Chief Executive Carrie Lam - but the request was rejected.

    View more on twitter
  8. Final moments inside the chamber

    Protesters were seen dragging out those who wanted to stay inside the Legislative Council chamber.

    They were heard shouting "Let's leave together."

    View more on twitter
  9. Pro-democracy legislator scared

    Claudia Mo, a Hong Kong pro-democracy legislator, was out on the streets when riot police moved in.

    She told the BBC she was scared.

    "I am now away from the scene of the clashes...there were fully armed, fully geared police force against, mainly the students, the young," Ms Mo said.

    "The young are now vowing to stay on for the night. They're saying that they would beat the police by sheer numbers - and that sounds very scary to me.

    "I was a journalist and I did cover the Tiananmen bloodbath 30 years ago, and that's exactly what those students said back then in the Chinese capital."

  10. Photo gallery: Riot police disperse protesters

    Riot police move in to disperse protesters in Hong Kong
    Image caption: Riot police moved in to disperse protesters at midnight
    Police fire tear gas against protesters
    Image caption: The police then fired tear gas against demonstrators
    Many protesters seek cover under umbrellas in Hong Kong
    Image caption: Many protesters sought cover under umbrellas
    Riot police chase protesters in Hong Kong
    Image caption: But police with batons forced the crowds to leave the area
    Police stand guard on roads in Hong Kong
    Image caption: The main roads in the area were later sealed off
  11. Inside Hong Kong's parliament

    The BBC's Danny Vincent reports from inside parliament after protesters broke into the debating chamber.

    Hundreds entered the building, spray-painting messages on the walls and damaging portraits of council members.

    Video content

    Video caption: Hong Kong protests: Inside parliament
  12. Many protesters now heading home

    Many of the protesters have chosen to catch the last MTR train home from Admiralty.

    Harcourt Road outside the legislature has been mainly cleared by police.

    View more on twitter
  13. Video: Protesters batter their way into parliament

    Video content

    Video caption: Hong Kong: Champagne and protests at handover anniversary

    This how protesters stormed the parliament building.

  14. Why are there protests in Hong Kong?

    A demonstrator in Hong Kong holds a poster that says "No China extradition". Photo: June 2019

    On the surface, these protests are about plans that would allow extradition from Hong Kong to mainland China.

    Hong Kong-China extradition plans explained

    But this is not all happening in a vacuum. There's a lot of important context - some of it stretching back decades - that helps explain what is going on.

    Why are there protests in Hong Kong? All the context you need

  15. Scene inside Legislative Council

    Earlier in the evening, protesters charged their way into the Legislative Council chamber.

    This is the scene from the inside of the chamber a few moments ago. Many of the protesters have now chosen to leave.

    Inside Hong Kong's Legislative Council
  16. Unrest on Hong Kong's anniversary handover

    Police fire tear gas at protesters near the government headquarters in Hong Kong
    Image caption: Police fire tear gas at protesters near the government headquarters in Hong Kong

    Most of the demonstrators have already left the building - though a few remained in the central chamber alongside numerous members of the media as the police advanced.

    The unrest followed a peaceful protest involving hundreds of thousands over a controversial extradition law.

    Pro-democracy demonstrators had taken to the streets on 1 July - the 22nd anniversary of the city's handover from British to Chinese rule.

  17. Police seal off area

    The riot police moved in at midnight local time (16:00 GMT) after warning protesters to clear the building.

    Protesters were seen running away as the police advanced.

    The police were later seen forming a cordon around the parliament building.

    It was not immediately known if there were any injuries.

  18. Current scene outside parliament

    This is the current scene outside Hong Kong's Legislative Council.

    Police are now approaching the building. Earlier this evening, the Hong Kong Police Force urged protesters to leave the vicinity and said it "will take reasonable force."

    Police approach protesters
    Police moving in on protesters
  19. Riot police moving towards Hong Kong's Legislative Council

    Riot police are moving in towards Hong Kong’s Legislative Council building after protesters stormed the chamber.

    They used tear gas to disperse the crowds.

    Earlier, a group of protesters smashed through glass doors and made their way through the building.

    Some spray-painted messages on the walls.

    The Hong Kong emblem inside the chamber was painted black while a union jack was raised at the seat of the Legislative Council’s president.

    The protesters are a breakaway group of peaceful demonstrators who took to the streets of Hong Kong on the 22nd anniversary of the handing over of the region to China.

    Hundreds of thousands of people marched through the streets on Monday calling for a controversial extradition bill that would allow extradition to mainland China to be scrapped.