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Live Reporting

Edited by Rob Corp

All times stated are UK

  1. Analysis

    Benedict leaves a complicated legacy

    As the Mass moves on to the third eucharistic prayer, we've been hearing from BBC religion editor Aleem Maqbool, who is in Vatican City.

    He says there is no question that Benedict leaves a complicated legacy for a lot of people.

    While many young priests and nuns see him as a ground-breaking thinker and theologian, his approach to the papacy was rigid.

    "He thought he would stem this tide as he saw it away from Christianity in Europe by saying ‘look this is who we are, things are black and white, some things can’t change.”

    While Benedict gained support among more conservative church members for his strong views, he also faced criticism for failing to deal with abuse allegations against certain members of the clergy.

    Pope Benedict
  2. Funeral mass for Pope Benedict moves on to the Eucharist

    Funeral mass for Pope Benedict moves on to the Eucharist

    Having heard the current Pope's homily, the funeral Mass moves on to the Eucharist - the part of the service where bread and wine is shared which symbolises the body and blood of Christ.

    The Eucharist Prayer ends with this:

    "Remember your servant Pope Emeritus Benedict whom you have called from this world to yourself. Grant that he who was united with your Son in a death like his, may also be one with him in his Resurrection, when from the earth he will raise up in the flesh those who have died, and transform our lowly body after the pattern of his own glorious body. To our departed brothers and sisters, too, and to all who were pleasing to you at their passing from this life, give kind admittance to your kingdom. There we hope to enjoy for ever the fullness of your glory, when you will wipe away every tear from our eyes. For seeing you, our God, as you are, we shall be like you for all the ages and praise you without end, through Christ our Lord, through whom you bestow on the world all that is good."

  3. Pope Francis reads Homily

    Pope Francis reads the Homily for his predecessor.

    Pope Francis reads the Homily for his predecessor.

    It contains a number of citations previously given by Pope Benedict.

    He ends with: "Benedict, faithful friend of the Bridegroom, may your joy be complete as you hear his voice, now and forever."

    There is then a pause to reflect on the Pope's words.

  4. Mourners hear the Liturgy of the Eucharist

    The Offertory Chant begins:

    "Lord Jesus Christ, King of glory, free the souls of all the faithful departed from infernal punishment and the deep pit..."

    Followed by a Prayer over the Offerings:

    "Look with favor on the offerings of your Church as she calls on you..."

    And then The Eucharist Prayer:

    "Christ died so that we might live.

    The Lord be with you. And with your spirit. Lift up your hearts. We lift them up to the Lord. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is right and just..."

  5. Watch the funeral unfold

    You can watch the proceedings in St Peter's Square by clicking the play button live at the top of this page.

  6. Cleric reads the Responsorial Psalm

    A cleric reads the Responsorial Psalm in Latin.

    A cleric reads the Responsorial Psalm in Latin.

    He read the words to music, before the congregation responds.

    The second reading is from the first letter of Saint Peter.

  7. Gospels now being read at funeral Mass

    We're now hearing the Gospel Acclamation:

    "It is my Father’s will that whoever sees the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life."

    It's followed by a reading from the holy Gospel according to Luke.

  8. WATCH: Mourners applause for Benedict XVI

    Video content

    Video caption: Applause for former Pope Benedict's coffin at funeral

    The funeral of the former pope, Benedict XVI, is being held in the Vatican.

    Mourners applauded as his coffin was moved into St Peter's Square.

  9. Prayer and reading for Benedict XVI

    In a prayer read in Latin, Pope Francis asks that Benedict may be welcomed by God into eternal glory.

    There then follows a reading from the prophet Isaiah:

    "The Lord says this: 'Is the potter no better than the clay? Can something that was made say of its maker, ‘He did not make me’? Or a pot say of the potter, ‘He is a fool’? In a short time, a very short time, shall not Lebanon become fertile land and fertile land turn into forest? The deaf, that day, will hear the words of a book and, after shadow and darkness, the eyes of the blind will see. But the lowly will rejoice in the Lord even more and the poorest exult in the Holy One of Israel."

  10. Pope reads the Penitential Act

    Pope Francis

    Pope Francis has begun the funeral Mass and reads the Penitential Act.

    The Act is a general confession of sinfulness that normally takes place at the beginning of the celebration of mass.

    Hymns are now being sung.

  11. Post update

    A reminder that it is unprecedented in modern times for a living Pope to bury his predecessor.

    Pope Francis
  12. The funeral has begun - what's going to happen?

    Archbishop Georg Gaenswein kisses the Bible on top of former Pope Benedict's coffin during his funeral, in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican

    The funeral is now under way in Vatican City's vast St Peter's Square, with Pope Francis presiding over the Mass, which will see readings in German, Italian, Arabic, Portuguese and French.

    Towards the end of the service, Pope Francis will sprinkle holy water on the coffin and light incense.

    And he will recite the "Final Commendation and Farewell", asking God to "console the Church".

    He will say: "Gracious Father, we commend to your mercy Pope Emeritus Benedict, whom you made successor of Peter and shepherd of the Church, a fearless preacher of your word and a faithful minister of the divine mysteries."

    That will be said in Latin and a choir will also sing in Latin: "May the angels lead you into paradise; may the martyrs come and welcome you and take you into the holy city, the new and eternal Jerusalem."

    According to Reuters news agency, a prayer will be said that includes petitions to God for the late Benedict as well as Pope Francis.

  13. Pope Francis enters to preside over Mass

    Pope Francis, who will be presiding over the funeral of his predecessor Benedict, has arrived in St Peter's Square.

    He was brought to the dais in a wheelchair.

    Pope Francis
  14. In pictures: Mourners gather for Pope Benedict's funeral Mass

    More than 60,000 mourners have gathered to attend former Pope Benedict XVI's funeral Mass in St Peter's Square in the Vatican.

    The Mass, led by Pope Francis, will begin at 09:30 local time.

    Here are some images from this morning.

    The coffin of former Pope Benedict is carried
    Image caption: The coffin of former Pope Benedict is carried out by pallbearers from the basilica
    Archbishop Georg Gaenswein kisses the coffin of former Pope Benedict
    Image caption: Archbishop Georg Gaenswein kisses the coffin of former Pope Benedict
    A nun reads the Osservatore Romano Catholic newspaper as she waits prior to the funeral mass
    Image caption: A nun reads the Osservatore Romano Catholic newspaper as she for the funeral Mass to begin
    A delegation from Germany arrives for the funeral in St Peter's Square
    Image caption: A delegation from Germany arrives for the funeral in St Peter's Square
  15. Prayer requests 'eternal glory' for Benedict XVI

    We've been looking through the order of service for today's funeral Mass.

    The service begins with the Introductory Rites and is followed by prayers, readings and psalms.

    One prayer reads:

    "O God, who in your wondrous providence chose your servant Benedict to preside over your Church, grant, we pray, that, having served as the Vicar of your Son on earth, he may be welcomed by him into eternal glory. Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever."

  16. Traditional papal funeral for Benedict XVI

    The service will follow traditional papal funerals, with a few changes to the prayers and readings to reflect Benedict's status as Pope emeritus.

    His body now lies in a plain cypress wood coffin.

    A one-page account of Benedict's papacy, along with other items, including Vatican coins minted during his reign, have been placed beside him.

  17. What happened at the last papal funeral?

    The last papal funeral was held on 8 April 2005, following the death of Pope John Paul II. He was 84, and had presided over the Catholic Church for 26 years.

    Over 200 state representatives attended, and Italian media estimated that at least three million people had watched the funeral either from St Peter’s Square or on big screens set up around Rome.

    In his homily, or sermon, then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger traced the life of the man he called "our late beloved Pope" from his days as a labourer in Nazi-occupied Poland to supreme leader of more than one billion Roman Catholics worldwide.

    Heads of state
    Image caption: Many heads of state and foreign dignitaries attended Pope John Paul II’s funeral in 2005, including former French President Jacques Chirac (L), then US President George Bush (2nd R) and his predecessor Bill Clinton (R)
  18. The faithful pray the rosary ahead of funeral

    Bethany Bell

    BBC News

    Former Pope Benedict’s body has been put in a coffin made of cypress wood and placed on the steps facing St Peter’s Square.

    The coffin contains vestments symbolising his role as Pope and bishop, along with coins and medals that were minted during his pontificate.

    The faithful have been praying the rosary.

    There are official delegations from Italy and from former Pope Benedict’s home country of Germany.

    Other leaders, including the king and queen of Belgium are attending in a private capacity.

    Benedict will be buried in the crypt under St Peter’s Basilica where Pope John Paul II was originally interred in 2005 before his body was moved up to a chapel.

  19. Applause as former Pope's coffin enters square

    Pope Benedict coffin

    Rapturous applause emanates from St Peter's Square as Pope Benedict's coffin is carried out by pallbearers from the basilica.

    They then lay his cypress wood coffin down in the square, before the funeral Mass starts.

  20. Senior clerics have a prime seat as ex-Pope's coffin brought to square

    Cardinals arrive for the funeral Mass

    Cardinals in their red robes have been seated in front of the historic St Peter's Basilica.

    They are sitting in front of the crowded square of mourners, as bells toll.

    Pope Benedict's coffin is now being moved to the catafalque set up for today's funeral Mass.