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  1. New education plans: 'School names will change'

    Rob Byrne

    BBC News Online

    Deputy Matt Fallaize

    The two school sites chosen to house Guernsey's all-ability system of secondary education will have their names changed, education's president has confirmed.

    Les Beaucamps and St Sampson's High sites have been selected, with the costings due to be released in the first half of 2019.

    "This is a big piece of cultural change here for the education system," Education, Sport and Culture President Matt Fallaize said.

    "I think changing names and changing uniforms is a necessary part of that cultural change," he added.

    Deputy Fallaize committed to consulting islanders on the names of the two new school sites.

  2. New education plans: Why not use Grammar or La Mare?

    Chris Quevatre

    BBC News Online

    In the plans released for the future of secondary education in Guernsey there are very few mentions of the schools that have not been selected to play a part.

    The new plans for a one-school, two-site secondary system will only use Les Beaucamps and St Sampson's schools.

    This means that the Grammar School and Sixth Form Centre and La Mare de Carteret will have to be either repurposed or closed down.

    Grammar School/La Mare de Carteret

    While the Education Committee hasn't outlined what will happen to the two buildings after the transition period in 2022, they have told us why they weren't selected to be part of the one-school, two-site plans.

    Quote Message: Using the sites which currently have the highest standard of facilities – mostly because they have been built more recently – removes the need to build a completely new school at La Mare de Carteret and to carry out extensive refurbishment of the Les Varendes site, which is nearly 35 years old and which would have required students there to move to another site during refurbishment before being moved back." from Committee for Education, Sport and Culture
    Committee for Education, Sport and Culture
  3. New education plans: How will transitions work?

    Chris Quevatre

    BBC News Online

    One of the questions that parents and carers may have over the plans to move to a one-school, two-site secondary education system is how the students will transition over the next few years.

    Here's our handy guide.

    For students currently in primary school

    • Current Year 4 students and below will not have to transition from one secondary school to another, they will go to either St Sampson's or Les Beaucamps
    • Current Year 5 and 6 at Amherst and Notre Dame will have to move from Les Varendes to St Sampson's in September 2022
    • Current Year 5 and 6 at La Hougette, La Mare de Carteret and Vauvert will have to move from La Mare de Carteret to Les Beaucamps in September 2022
    • Current Year 5 and 6 students at other schools will not have to transition from one secondary school to another, they will go to either St Sampson's or Les Beaucamps

    For students currently in secondary school

    • Current Year 7 students at La Mare de Carteret will have to move to Les Beaucamps in September 2022.
    • No other secondary school students will have to transition from one secondary school to another, they will remain at their current schools.
  4. New secondary education plans: At a glance

    Chris Quevatre

    BBC News Online

    The plans for the future of secondary education in Guernsey have been released.

    Les Beaucamps/St Sampson's

    Here are the headlines:

    • One school to operate out of two sites - Baubigny and Les Beaucamps
    • Sixth form colleges to be included on both campuses
    • Both sites will need extensions - students will continue to attend during construction
    • No mention of La Mare de Carteret or Grammar School and Sixth Form Centre being operational after 2023
    • College of Further Education, the Institute of Health and Social Care Studies and the GTA University Centre to combine at Les Ozouets
    • An ultimate aim to partner with a UK university to create University College Guernsey

    Parents and carers received notification of the plans on Wednesday, including details of how students will transition from one school to another.