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  1. Asian hornets spread a risk to allergy sufferers

    Rob England

    BBC News Online

    A woman suffering with a wasp sting allergy says the spread of Asian hornets in the Channel Islands is "terrifying" and needs to be stopped.

    Michelle Wason says the situation is particularly worrying, as the island has a shortage of adrenaline injectors.

    "If I were to get stung, particularly by the hornets that are prevalent in Jersey at the moment it could mean the difference between life and death to me," she said.

    Video content

    Video caption: Michelle Wason says she has been hospitalised by insect stings in recent years

    Since 2004 Asian hornets have spread across France into Spain, the Channel Islands and parts of the UK.

    In 2018 so far a combined total of 56 Asian hornet queens and nests have been found and destroyed in Jersey.

    Beekeeper John De Carteret, who is part of a group of volunteers hunting down Asian hornet nests in the island said the insects are not usually aggressive, unless a nest is disturbed.

    However, he added: "As the number of nests increases there is a greater risk of people being stung.

    The States of Jersey has been approached for comment.

  2. Increasing speed limit would 'adversely impact' safety

    Hayley Westcott

    BBC News Online

    Increasing the speed limit in Jersey to 50mph (80km/h) would "considerably adversely impact road safety", according to the minister for infrastructure.

    Deputy Kevin Lewis was responding to islanders who had signed an e-petition, claiming 40mph (64km/h) is "too slow" on some roads.

    He said although vehicles may be getting safer, "driver error is still the biggest factor in road traffic collisions".

    He added increasing the speed limit would increase the risks for other road users such as cyclists.

    The speed limit review programme is continuing to work with parishes to talk to communities about speed limits in their area.

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  3. Flammable items put through letter box in 'arson'

    Hayley Westcott

    BBC News Online

    Flammable items were put through a letter box and lit in an attempt to set fire to a house in Guernsey, police have said.

    It happened between 14:00 on 26 October and 09:00 on 29 October on Sausmarez Street in St Peter Port.

    Police are appealing for witnesses and anyone with information is asked to contact PC 85 De La Mare on 01481 725111.

  4. States agree deal over Les Quennevais field

    Ryan Morrison

    BBC News Online

    Work to build a new £40m school in St Brelade can go ahead after a deal was agreed over a plot of land needed for the school.

    The States had agreed to go for a compulsory purchase after the owners of the farmland asked for more money.

    Les Quennevais Plans

    The States eventually agreed to pay £409,000 for the field from the Carrel family meaning work can now start on Les Quennevais School.

    Speaking for the family, Advocate James Lawrence of Viberts said: "The reality is that this sale effectively means the loss of an old Jersey farmstead.

    "Our clients’ simple intention has always been to regain the loss in value of selling part of their farm in addition to fair compensation in accordance with the law."

    The first lessons are due to start at the school in 2020.

  5. New committee members to implement island-wide voting

    Simon Fairclough

    Guernsey Political Reporter

    Guernsey's politicians will next week decide who will be responsible for working up the plans for full island-wide voting in 2020.

    Voters said in a referendum they wanted to elect politicians from an entire island constituency, rather than by the current district system.

    Four of the five members of the States Assembly and Constitution Committee (SACC) submitted their resignations last week after the referendum result.

    Committee President Peter Roffey, Vice President Lindsay de Sausmarez and members Michelle Le Clerc and Mark Dorey all announced they were standing down.

    Deputy Roffey said he had resigned because the process of implementing island-wide voting "needs to be led by someone who really feels it was the right decision".

    Deputy Neil Inder is the remaining member.

    Elections to replace the members as well as the election of a new president will take place next week, following the Budget meeting.

  6. Islanders urged to join in with WW1 commemorations

    BBC Radio Jersey

    Jersey's Bailiff has encouraged all islanders to join in events to mark the centenary of the end of World War One - starting later.

    A piece of Jersey granite taken from the centre of a memorial on the Somme will be paraded from the Weighbridge into the Royal Square - accompanied by a band and island dignitaries.


    It will form a new memorial in the square which is set to be unveiled next month.

    Historian Ian Ronayne says the Royal Square is a perfect place to remember the Jersey Company - and the other islanders who fought and died...

    Video content

    Video caption: A new memorial in Royal Square is set to be unveiled next month

    The parade starts from the arch on the Weighbridge shortly after 19:15.

  7. Companies 'can't exist in more than just name'

    Freddie Miller

    BBC Jersey political reporter

    Companies registered in Jersey will have to show they exist in more than just name, if plans put forward by the External Relations Minister, Senator Ian Gorst are approved by the States.

    In December 2017, the European Union named 17 countries that don't comply with international standards on tax transparency.

    States of Jersey

    Jersey was not on the list but the report expressed concern that companies doing business in the island are not legally required to have a substantial economic presence.

    Having pledged to change this, the States of Jersey has been working with the governments of both Guernsey and the Isle of Man on a new draft law.

    It includes requiring companies to:

    • Be "directed and managed" in the island.
    • Have an "adequate number of employees", in relation to the company's activity, physically present in the island.
    • Spend an "adequate" amount of money in the island.
    • Have "adequate physical assets" in the island.

    Companies that don't meet the criteria in two consecutive financial periods could be fined up to £110,000.

    More specific details are due to be published by 5 November at the latest, and if approved, the new law will come into effect on 1 January 2019.

  8. 'Don't sell flour and eggs to under-16s' say police

    Hayley Westcott

    BBC News Online

    Police in St Helier are warning businesses not to sell flour or eggs to anyone under the age of 16.

    Officers said businesses should "consider your community" and restrict who they sell the items to throughout the Halloween period.

  9. Inert waste dumping site decision 'not democratic'

    BBC Radio Guernsey

    A couple have written an open letter to the States following Deputy Peter Ferbrache's announcement that Longue Hougue will be the new inert waste dumping site - subject to an environmental impact assessment.

    Tony and Jill Cunningham live near the recycling facility but claim their opposition isn't nimbyism.

    They say the government did not investigate other sites for inert waste.

    Jill added the decision was not made "democratically"...

    Video content

    Video caption: Longue Hougue site

    Deputy Ferbrache says a detailed assessment was carried out before deciding on the site and Longue Hougue is a long-term fix.

  10. 'Explain benefits of tidal project to Alderney'

    Rob Byrne

    BBC News Online

    The company behind the latest plans to develop tidal energy in the Alderney Race need to explain the benefits to Alderney, an island politician says.

    Alderney aerial shot

    Alderney States member Alex Snowdon, of the Tidal Energy Group, believes the project has potential for the island, but he thinks SIMEC Atlantis, the renewable energy company behind the project needs to articulate that to islanders in the first instance.

    "I would really like Atlantis to come over to explain to the island what their aspirations are for tidal development in Alderney waters, and what benefits we would see as an island for that."

    The company would also need to explain what infrastructure was needed, he added.

    There's been opposition in Alderney to a cross-Channel cable link which could be a potential outlet for tidal power.

  11. Jersey Finance 'welcomes substance law'

    Ryan Morrison

    BBC News Online

    A new law that would ensure companies registered in Jersey had a "substantive presence" including employees, property and economic activity on the island has been welcomed by the finance industry body.

    It would bring an end to so called "bronze plaque" companies that are only registered in the island for tax reasons without any local base beyond a name plate.

    Geoff Cook

    Geoff Cook, CEO of Jersey Finance, said it was a positive step forward for the island's industry and demonstrates Jersey is willing and able to meet the EU Code of Conduct Group's criteria.

    He said most companies with the scope of the law will be "readily able to demonstrate that they meet the requirements".

    Mr Cook said: "It’s particularly pleasing that the feedback we and others in industry provided throughout the consultation process has been listened to."

  12. 'Report tuna sightings around the islands'

    Penny Elderfield

    BBC Channel Islands News

    Anyone who spots an Atlantic bluefin tuna in Channel Island waters is being asked to report it.

    The sightings will feed into a two-year scientific study that has recently started.

    In the 1990s the bluefin tuna had all but disappeared from British waters, but recently they have been spotted again, including in large numbers around the Channel Islands.

    More on this story:

    A bluefin tuna feeding in UK waters

    Several organisations are working together to research the endangered fish, including the University of Exeter and the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science.

    They want to establish how many bluefin tuna there are and use tagging to monitor their movements.

    That side of it will be limited to around the South West of England, but researchers want to hear about sightings in the Channel Islands to build up a case for further funding to extend the study.

  13. Pharmacists warn of adrenaline injectors shortage

    BBC Radio Jersey

    Jersey pharmacists are warning people with severe allergies about a shortage of adrenaline injectors.

    More than 1,000 people in Jersey have the devices.

    Simon Wall, from the Royal Pharmaceutical Society, said members were doing their best to make sure no-one went without them...

    Video content

    Video caption: More than 1,000 people in Jersey use adrenaline injectors
  14. Police appeal after small dog bitten by bull mastiff

    Hayley Westcott

    BBC News Online

    Police are appealing for information after a small dog was bitten by a bull mastiff in Guernsey.

    It happened on 10 October at Chouet in Vale between 17:00 and 17:30.

    Officers said they'd like to speak to a woman who was in the area at the time - wearing sports clothing - who is believed to be the owner of the black and white bull mastiff.

    Anyone with information is asked to contact police.

  15. Tax on internet shopping may come in by 2021

    Jersey Evening Post

    Online shoppers may face price increases within the next few years as the treasury minister says the de minimis threshold for collecting GST is "expected to be abolished" when EU changes for retailers come into force.

  16. New tidal energy plans for Alderney Race

    BBC Radio Guernsey

    A renewable energy company is to announce plans to develop tidal energy in the Alderney Race, the stretch of water between the island and France.

    Alderney Race

    SIMEC Atlantis wants to partner with the Normandy authorities, and says it also makes sense to have an agreement with Alderney to extend the scope of the project.

    Quote Message: It makes absolute sense if we are developing such a large project in France, to use the economies of scale on that activity to then seek to exploit the wonderful resource [tides], that consistent resource, that is obviously present around the waters in Alderney. We obviously haven't started commercial negotiations but if we were afforded the opportunity, we would be delighted to commence those straight away. from Tim Cornelius SIMEC Atlantis CEO
    Tim CorneliusSIMEC Atlantis CEO
  17. New rules for Jersey registered companies

    Ryan Morrison

    BBC News Online

    Companies registered in Jersey will have to show that they have a "substantive base" in the island under new government proposals to increase tax transparency.

    The "economic substance" proposals are in response to the European Union Code of Conduct Group's (COCG) plans to reinforce global standards on tax matters.

    COCG didn't raise any concerns over Jersey's standards of tax transparency, but did find an issue with the fairness of the island's taxation system.

    Jersey Financial Services Commission

    It said: "The jurisdiction should not facilitate offshore structures or arrangements aimed at attracting profits which do not reflect real economic activity in the jurisdiction."

    The States of Jersey has worked with the government in Guernsey and the Isle of Man on exactly what they need to do to comply with the COCG guidelines.

    It is likely a company registered in the islands will have to be "directed and managed" in the island, have an adequate number of employees in relation to the activity of the company and spend an "adequate" amount in the island. They will also have to have "adequate physical assets" in the island.

    The exact details of what constitutes "substance" won't be published until 5 November and the States will debate the proposals on 4 December.

  18. CI weather: Mostly dry and bright, but showers possible

    BBC Weather

    Tuesday will be mostly dry and bright with sunny periods. However, an isolated shower is possible. Moderate westerly winds.

    Maximum temperature: 7 to 10C (45 to 50F).


    Jersey weather


    Guernsey weather