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  1. Loganair announces new Bournemouth route

    Chris Quevatre

    BBC News Online

    The airline has announced a new seasonal route from Bournemouth to Guernsey and Jersey.

    The operator has scheduled the flights to run from April to October.

    Loganair aircraft

    Guernsey will be served by Loganair's 37-seat Embraer 135 jet, with a flight time of about 40 minutes.

    The service, which was announced as part the airline's summer schedule, will run from Guernsey once a week on a Saturday, and from Jersey three times a week - on a Monday, Friday and Saturday.

    It's the second new Guernsey service announced by Loganair since the start of the "open skies" policy decided by the island's government in September.

    In July, the Scottish airline announced losses of £9m, blaming the loss of a franchise agreement with Flybe, which has put itself up for sale.

  2. Weather: Cloudy and misty overnight

    BBC Weather

    Cloud is likely to become widespread overnight and it may turn rather misty as well.

    It should be mild though with moderate to fresh easterly winds.

    Overnight lows of 9C (48F).


    jersey weather


    guernsey weather
  3. Vinery planning application rejected

    Chris Quevatre

    BBC News Online

    Plans to change the use of a vinery in the Vale have been rejected by Guernsey's planning authority.

    The development at Stratheden Vinery on the Rue Du Douit has come up against serious opposition and were today discussed at an open planning meeting.

    Following the meeting and a site visit it was decided by the four members of the Development and Planning Authority in attendance that the plans should be rejected by a vote of 3-0 with one member abstaining.


    Two businesses - a gardener and a car repair firm - have used the site for 25 years, and wanted to build two new units to trade from.

    However, neighbours strongly objected and filed 56 written representations and a 591-signature online petition.

    The complaints focused on the potential nuisance to nearby homes, whether the new industrial units are fit for purpose, and access, which is via a single track, narrow Ruette Tranquille.

  4. Wheelchair tennis tournament cancelled due to fog problems

    BBC Radio Jersey

    Paralympic-level wheelchair tennis players have been unable to get to Jersey to compete in a tournament due to fog.

    The players - from Shrewsbury Tennis Club - were due to fly in on Friday morning to play the Jersey team, but their flight was cancelled.

    The cancelled event was part of the Jersey Sports Association for the Disabled's Disability Sports Awareness Week.

    Paul Patterson MBE - chairman of the organisation - said it's a "great shame" and not just for the athletes...

    Video content

    Video caption: The players from Shrewsbury were due to fly in on Friday to play the Jersey team
  5. Yellow weather warning for wind across the islands

    Hayley Westcott

    BBC News Online

    There's currently a yellow weather warning in place for wind across the islands, Jersey Met has said.

    It added winds of force six can be expected.

    wind warning
  6. Islanders want Sunday shopping, survey finds

    BBC Radio Jersey

    The majority of people who took part in a survey want all shops in Jersey to be allowed to open on Sundays.

    Independent research commissioned by the government asked more than 1,000 people about their experience of the island's shops.

    More than 60% wanted Sunday opening, with the majority of those in favour saying they would like them open from 10:00 in the morning until 16:00 in the afternoon.

    There were also calls for later opening hours during the week and more parking.

    David Elliot, chairman of the Jersey retail association, says some of the views were surprising...

    Video content

    Video caption: David Elliot says some of the views were surprising...
  7. Should States benefit from scratchcard profits?

    BBC Radio Guernsey

    Guernsey should stop profiting from scratch cards, according to the head of the island's youth commission.

    Jane St Pier, interim head of the commission, said profits from more than just the Christmas Lottery should go to charities.

    Last week a call to make the move was not debated in the monthly states meeting after politicians voted 18-15 not to discuss the issue.

    View more on twitter
  8. New hospital decision should not be based on 'emotion'

    BBC Radio Jersey

    A politician looking at plans for Jersey's future hospital says a decision on where it should be built must be based on clinical evidence, "not emotion".

    Although the previous States Assembly decided to build the hospital on the current Gloucester Street site, a report by the Hospital Policy Development Board recommended the government look at alternative sites again.

    In particular, the board said the current Overdale Hospital site and the Waterfront area of St Helier should be reconsidered.

    Deputy Kevin Pamplin, who chairs the Future Hospital Review Panel, says the whole health care strategy needs reviewing and this will help them make a decision on where best the hospital should go.

    Future hospital concept plans
    Quote Message: I'm deeply concerned about our healthcare strategy. At the end of the day, if we don't get that right it doesn't matter where we build the hospital. We have to look at mental health, it is failing, big time. We talk about the aging population - that is now. It has to be led by clinical, clear evidence."

    The issue is due to be debated in January.

  9. Islanders support Sunday opening

    Jersey Evening Post

    More than 60% of islanders would favour all shops in Jersey being able to open on Sundays, an independent survey has found.

  10. Jersey Reds have new signing on bench

    Brent Pilnick

    BBC Sport

    Jersey Reds have signed prop forward Zi Alexis following a successful trial.

    The 22-year-old, who has most recently been playing for National One side Cambridge, has also spent time at National Two South sides Henley Hawks and London Irish Wild Geese.

    Alexis is set to make his debt for the club on Saturday in their Championship Cup fixture with London Scottish after being named on the replacements bench.

    Zi Alexis

    Only four players that started last week's win over Ealing retain their places - Brett Herron moves from fly-half to full-back while Auguy Slowik vacates the 15 shirt and moves to the wing.

    Lock Charlie Beckett and number eight Janco Venter also keep their places.

    Jersey Reds: Herron; Slowik, Ma'afu, Eastwell, Stapley; Penberthy, Waters; Godfrey (capt), Selway, Rodman, McKern, Beckett, Hatherell, Geldenhuys, Venter

    Replacements: Macfarlane, Morley, Alexis, Bartle, Upfield, Mudariki, Newey

  11. BBC Children in Need: Where does the money go?

    Penny Elderfield

    BBC Channel Islands News

    More than £60m was raised for the charity last year to support projects across the British Isles and the globe, including this Guernsey one...

    Video content

    Video caption: Just one way your money is helping children in the islands.

    Find out more including how charities can apply for a grant on the website.

  12. Teen 'repeatedly assaulted' in St Peter Port

    Rob England

    BBC News Online

    A 17-year-old was "repeatedly assaulted" in a number of incidents in St Peter Port, according to police.

    Officers said a "number of altercations" took place between a group of teenagers between 20:00 and 21:00 at "various locations" on Wednesday night.

    Police are looking for a female who was seen in Town Church Square.

    She is described as about 5ft 2in (1.5m) tall with dark hair, wearing dark, knee-length boots, a black top, leggings and a coat.

  13. Students to discuss overseas aid at Peace Debate

    BBC Radio Jersey

    Students will debate whether Jersey should increase the money it spends on overseas aid in the States chamber today.

    States Assembly

    It's all part of the Jersey Rotary Club Annual Peace Debate, where pupils from seven secondary schools will put forward arguments on a set subject.

    The pupils will then be invited to ask questions of each other.

    Jersey's Chief Minister Senator John Le Fondre will chair the debate and the Minister responsible for Overseas Aid Carolyn Labey will give the keynote address on the subject.

    You can listen to the debate live on BBC Radio Jersey from 10.

  14. Calls for lower GP costs for pensioners

    BBC Radio Jersey

    A man whose wife died after putting off going to the doctor because of the cost has called for Jersey's government to lower the price for pensioners.

    Frank Ronksley said his wife Sylvia delayed going to see her GP for more than a year because of the cost of an appointment.

    When she finally went, she found out she had cancer.

    Frank Ronksley

    Mr Ronksley said he wished his wife had gone to see a doctor sooner, because she might still be alive.

    He says the £43 charge to see a GP is the cost of "a weeks food" to some pensioners.

    Video content

    Video caption: Mr Ronksley says dropping the charge would help pensioners
  15. Jersey's new hospital: Your thoughts


    Jersey politicians have clashed with the health minister over reopening the debate on where the new £466m hospital should be built.

    We asked for your thoughts on where the new facility should go:

    Quote Message: Somewhere with enough space around it for future expansion, adequate parking for staff and visitors, and pleasant outdoor areas for patients and staff." from Sara Davis
    Sara Davis
    Quote Message: Overdale makes sense from every angle." from Dave Crocker
    Dave Crocker
    Quote Message: On the waterfront! Easy access for all, near the bus station for visitors, vacant site so nothing to move out and who knows, maybe even less costly!" from Elaine Paisnel
    Elaine Paisnel
    Quote Message: I have always thought that St Saviour’s Hospital is the best site for the main hospital with plenty of parking for patients, visitors and staff. With walking difficulties it is already impossible to get parked anywhere near the current hospital." from Sandra Burt
    Sandra Burt
    Quote Message: It needs to be on a large enough site to accommodate all departments (there must be adequate additional rooms to provide for future numbers of patients) and a decent amount of parking, must have a good road network to get to it and good public transport should be provided." from Joanna Montgomery
    Joanna Montgomery
    Quote Message: Overdale is the best site. Room to expand in future. Improve access by creating bus shuttle service. Not the Watefront...having a huge lump of a hospital building being the first thing a visitor sees as they disembark from the ferry would not be a reassuring welcome sight." from Helier Falle
    Helier Falle
    Quote Message: People's Park. Then restore present hospital site to a park." from Michael Reed
    Michael Reed
  16. Sunshine with cloudy spells

    BBC Weather

    A misty and foggy start to the morning across the Channel Islands.

    Some sunshine is likely at times later on this morning but with the chance of some cloudier spells too.

    This afternoon, it looks like staying dry with a mixture of cloud and sunshine.

    Maximum Temperature: 12 to 15C (54 to 59F)




  17. Fog delays flights across the Channel Islands

    Rob England

    BBC News Online

    Flights are being disrupted at Jersey, Guernsey and Alderney airports this morning.


    The 08:30 flight from Guernsey is now due to arrive at 09:30.

    Similarly, the 08:45 service from Exeter and Guernsey is estimated to land at 09:05.

    The 09:50 Guernsey flight has been put back to 10:50.

    Also coming in from the mainland, the 10:30 London City service, is delayed by two and a half hours to 13:00.


    The mail plane, along with flights from Jersey, Exeter and Alderney have all been delayed.