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  1. Number of MPs backing transparency move doubles

    Rob Byrne

    BBC News Online

    Margaret Hodge and Andrew Mitchell

    Eighty-eight MPs have now backed a move to force transparency measures on Britain's Crown dependencies.

    When initially tabled, the amendment to the UK's Financial Services Bill was backed by 42 MPs.

    The move by former Tory Chief Whip Andrew Mitchell and Labour's Margaret Hodge seeks to make the ultimate owners of island companies public.

    The move is being resisted by Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Man governments, who say it is unconstitutional.

    They also argue they keep accurate company information and are doing enough to tackle financial crime.

    Campaigners say anonymous offshore companies are open to abuse, as seen in the Paradise and Panama Papers leaks.

    Labour MPs make up the bulk of the 88 backing the amendment, but the move also has the support of 24 Conservatives.

    They include former Tory Cabinet ministers Ken Clarke, David Davis and Sir Oliver Letwin.

  2. BreakingMissing sailor search called off by coastguard

    Rob Byrne

    BBC News Online

    Channel Islands Airsearch plane

    A search for a missing sailor between Jersey and Guernsey has been called off, Jersey Coastguard has said.

    It was notified at about 23:00 GMT on Wednesday that a vessel was travelling to Guernsey, however authorities have not heard from it since.

    At 04:00 GMT, Guernsey Coastguard also received a call for assistance, but rescuers say they do not know if it came from the same sailor.

    An "extensive" aerial search between the islands as well as along Guernsey's coast took place, Jersey coastguard added.

    Weather conditions during the search were poor, with rough sea conditions and winds between 30-55 knots.

    Calling off the search, the coastguard said: "Survivability criteria has been taken into consideration, including the current sea temperature and prevailing weather conditions."

    They thanked the Channel Islands Air Search crew and reminded the public they were still interested in speaking with anyone with information relating to a vessel believed to be called "Delta Buoy" or "Delta Boy".

  3. Jersey Airport parking charges increase

    Hayley Westcott

    BBC News Online

    Car parking charges at Jersey Airport are set to increase from the end of March.

    The Ports of Jersey said it's the first time in eight years there's been a rise and it's as a result of reflecting the cost of living "as well as the need to increase commercial revenue to pay for future investments".

    The rate will increase to 80p per hour - a rise of 10p.

    Jersey Airport
  4. Jersey appoints Asian hornet coordinator

    Hayley Westcott

    BBC News Online

    A beekeeper with 17 years’ experience has been appointed as Jersey's 2019 Asian Hornet Coordinator.

    Alastair Christie has served on the Jersey Bee Keepers’ Association’s management committee and was the managing director of local business Lavender Farm for 17 years.

    He's been tasked with investigating ways to protect the public, the island’s biodiversity and honey bee populations from the impact of the Asian hornet, Vespa velutina.

    The Asian hornet reached the Channel Islands in 2016 after accidental introduction to France in 2004.

    A total of 55 nests were found and destroyed in 2018, and the National Bee Unit will be sending two teams of six UK Bee Inspectors to Jersey in August.

    Asian Hornet
    Quote Message: It’s a unique role that suits me. I’m hands-on, I like the outdoors and I’ve been a beekeeper for many years. I have a keen interest in Jersey’s diverse and rich ecology and I’m looking forward to playing my part in protecting it from this invasive species. from Alastair Christie Asian Hornet Coordinator
    Alastair ChristieAsian Hornet Coordinator
  5. BreakingMan found guilty of Jersey murder

    BBC Channel Islands News

    Jamie Lee Warn, 55, has been found guilty of the murder of a Hungarian woman in Jersey.

    The body of 37-year-old Zsuzsanna Besenyei was found on Le Pulec beach in St Ouen in May 2018.

    Warn was also found guilty of perverting the course of justice at Jersey's Royal Court.

    A date for sentencing is expected on Friday.

  6. Missing sailor: Coastguard appeals for boat information

    Rob Byrne

    BBC News Online

    Jersey Coastguard is appealing for information as it coordinates the search for a missing sailor.

    Anyone with information about a vessel known as "Delta Boy" or "Delta Buoy" is being asked to contact them urgently.

    Channel Islands Air Search is currently scouring the sea between Jersey and Guernsey, after Jersey Coastguard received a call at about 23:00 GMT on Wednesday from a sailor informing them he was travelling from Jersey to Guernsey.

    At 04:00 GMT, Guernsey Coastguard received a call for assistance having had no further contact with the man.

    However, no-one has been reported missing in either Jersey or Guernsey, Jersey Coastguard added.

  7. Missing sailor: Search conditions 'pretty horrendous'

    Rob Byrne

    BBC News Online

    Channel Islands Air Search plane

    A search for a missing sailor who has not made contact for more than 12 hours is operating in "pretty horrendous" conditions, an air search coordinator says.

    An extensive search is under way in the Channel Islands after Jersey Coastguard received a call at about 23:00 GMT on Wednesday from a sailor who had informed them of his intention to travel from Jersey to Guernsey.

    At 04:00 GMT, Guernsey Coastguard received a call for assistance, but no further information was received.

    The Channel Islands Air Search team is currently searching an area north of Jersey after being called out at around 07:30.

    "We're in an area that covers the north area of Jersey to the south coast of Guernsey. So we're covering 20-mile-wide legs in that area," CI Air Search Chief Officer John Fitzgerald says.

    "The conditions out there are pretty horrendous. It's blowing a gale, the sea is as rough as anything.

    "If he is out there we hope we will be able to find him fairly rapidly because the conditions are horrible," Mr Fitzgerald adds.

  8. Consumer groups warn of rising postal prices

    BBC Radio Guernsey

    The chairman of a local postal consumer group has warned the price of sending mail can't become too expensive.

    Guernsey Post handled a decreased volume of mail during the past trading year and raised some of their tariffs too.

    Brian Guilbert from Postwatch, says price increases must be considered carefully...

    Video content

    Video caption: Guernsey Post handled a decreased volume of mail during the past trading year
  9. Police warning after counterfeit notes found in Jersey

    Hayley Westcott

    BBC News Online

    Counterfeit £20 notes are in circulation in Jersey, police have said.

    Officers have issued a warning after one set of three notes was tendered in a St Helier licensed premises on Wednesday.

    A second, different note was given to a takeaway delivery driver in Quennevais on the same night.

    Police said they are investigating forged notes at two further businesses in St Helier too.

    counterfeit note
    counterfeit note
  10. BreakingSearch teams called out after emergency call issued

    Hayley Westcott

    BBC News Online

    The Channel Islands Air Search team has been called out to sea after an emergency call was issued, the Ports of Jersey has said.

    Jersey coastguards received a call at about 23:00 on Wednesday from a sailor who had requested to travel from Jersey to Guernsey.

    There was no further correspondence from him.

    At 04:00, Guernsey Coastguard received a pan-pan - a call for assistance for an urgent situation, but one that does not pose immediate danger.

    The area from which the mayday call was issued is being searched.

    The Ports of Jersey added there is no further information available at this time.

  11. More women having cervical screenings since fees cut

    Hayley Westcott

    BBC News Online

    The number of women who have had a cervical screening test since it was made free in Jersey eight months ago has soared by more than a quarter, the Government of Jersey has said.

    Figures show in the period since the charge was cut, an extra 765 women - due to have the screening - attended and had a test compared to the same period 12 months earlier.

    They show 3,712 women had the test between June 2018 and February - a 25.9% increase compared to the corresponding time frame 12 months previously.

    cervical screening

    Previously, the fees charged by GPs varied and could cost women as much as £62.

    However, since 1 June 2018 the charge was removed from Le Bas Centre - the Island’s community contraception and well women clinic.

    The fee, which was recognised as a barrier preventing some women having the test, was also removed from all GP practices on 1 August 2019.

  12. Winds of force nine expected across the islands

    Hayley Westcott

    BBC News Online

    An orange weather warning for wind has been issued, Jersey Met said.

    weather warning
  13. New mental health branch for Alderney

    BBC Radio Guernsey

    Mental health charity, Guernsey Mind, is opening a new branch in Alderney as part of plans to improve mental health provisions across the Bailiwick.

    The charity received a grant of £50,000 from Lloyd's Foundation and a building by the Carey Group, to set up the Alderney Wellbeing Centre.

    The three-storey building has a community group space, training room and offices, which Mind is aiming to turn into a social hub for groups including parents and toddlers.

    The centre is expected to be launched in May and will be free to use.

  14. Strong winds and patchy rain

    BBC Weather

    It will be a windy and mostly cloudy day with some patchy light rain and drizzle at times. Strong to near gale force westerly winds.

    Max temp: 8 to 11°C.

    Weather map
  15. Verdict expected in murder trial

    BBC Radio Jersey

    The jury in the trial of a man accused of murder in Jersey is expected to deliver a verdict later.

    Fifty-five-year-old Jamie Lee Warn denies killing Zsuzsanna Besenyei in May and perverting the course of justice.

    Zsuzsanna Besenyei

    The jury deliberated for much of the day on Wednesday, before being sent away for the night.