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  1. 'Landlords rigged electricity meters'

    BBC Radio Jersey

    A number of Jersey landlords could face prosecution after claims electricity meters were rigged to overcharge tenants.

    The Environmental Health department say the changes were found while officers were inspecting some properties.

    The department has responsibility for checking conditions in rented housing and some tenants have been refunded hundreds of pounds.

    A spokesperson for the Jersey Landlords Association said they were "aware" there may have been landlords overcharging, but they have not seen evidence of it.

  2. People urged not to use swimming pool

    People are being urged not to use Jersey's Havre des Pas Swimming Pool after sewage entered the beach close to the pool.

    It happened after the "area’s pumping station reached capacity" following heavy rain.

    The Government of Jersey said: "The pumping station is now up and running but bathers are being advised to wait a couple of days until the pool has been refilled a number of times by the incoming tide.

    "The lifeguard service stationed at the pool is advising the public not to swim at this time and officers from Environmental Health have put up signage to notify the public about the incident."

  3. Police targeting 'anti-social behaviour' at weekends

    Adam Durbin

    BBC News Online

    Guernsey police have arrested 38 people over the last three months as part of a "proactive uniformed operation" on Friday and Saturday nights in St Peter Port.

    There were also four warnings, two stop searches and 109 checks of alcohol licences, as officers were instructed to take a "low-tolerance approach".

    The ages of those arrested ranged from 17 to 63 and 63% were men.

    A police spokesperson said that whilst the operation had finished, a "firm" approach to anti-social behavior would remain at weekends.

    Quote Message: This operation came about following an analysis of intelligence and statistical data into where and when the calls for anti-social behaviour were peaking. This identified the pattern of problem areas and times, when the risk of anti-social behaviour and assaults were greater. We developed this operation specifically to be visible and proactive. from J-P Le Breton Chief Inspector Operations, Guernsey Police
    J-P Le BretonChief Inspector Operations, Guernsey Police
  4. Unions blast 'unacceptable' offer to teachers

    Johnny O'Shea

    BBC News Online

    The largest teachers' union in Jersey has refused to accept a revised pay offer from the States Employment Board.

    The NASUWT said: "While the union recognises and welcomes that important improvements have been proposed to the pay award imposed on teachers earlier this year, the current offer is not acceptable.".

    Earlier on Tuesday members of the NEU Union voted to accept the offer that sees them getting the rate of inflation plus 1.3% - and then from January a further 0.8%.

    So far this year teachers have been on strike for ten days.

    Quote Message: “Implementation of the current offer would undermine the existing terms and conditions of many teachers and could result in other teachers currently not in receipt of a Supplementary Allowance being asked to take up additional tasks and responsibilities for no additional pay. The NASUWT will never collaborate in the imposition of any reforms to teachers’ terms and conditions that risks such adverse impacts on their pay, workload and career progression prospects. The NASUWT will now be consulting with its members on next steps, including potential escalation of its industrial action. from Ms Chris Keates General Secretary of the NASUWT
    Ms Chris KeatesGeneral Secretary of the NASUWT
  5. Calls for 'urgent' climate change funds

    BBC Radio Guernsey

    A Deputy for the South East wants Guernsey's climate change action plan to have allocated funds and resources to ensure it's completed as quickly as possible.

    Next month the States will look at what the updated policies are for government going forward. Creating a climate change action plan is on the agenda.

    Quote Message: It's great that they have included it in the plan but they have said no resources are immediately available. I'm sure some will come along soon and then we will get onto it. I would like to see a little bit more urgency so I would like to see some dedicated resource put into that to make sure that we can crack on." from Deputy Lindsay De Sausmerez
    Deputy Lindsay De Sausmerez
  6. Plans to mark 100 years of equal rights in Jersey

    BBC Radio Jersey

    There is to be an exhibition marking 100 years since women successfully campaigned to be allowed to vote and stand for election.

    The States want to find relatives of people who signed petitions at the time calling for equal rights for women in Jersey.

    Deputy Louise Doublet is heading up the '100 years of votes for women' campaign.

    She said this is the first time the States Assembly has ever run an appeal like this: "We would really like to bring the handwritten names to life - individuals who asked simply that women be treated as equals to men.

    "If you knew one of the signatories and feel comfortable doing so, please come forward with any personal stories, information, documents and never-before-published photos that you feel comfortable with sharing."

  7. Heavy rain gradually clearing

    Lucy Martin

    BBC Weather

    A wet start for many, with persistent rain for a spell during the morning.


    It will gradually be turning more showery through the afternoon as rain clears, with dry spells later.

    Maximum temperature: 12 to 15°C (54 to 59°F)

  8. Union accepts new pay deal for teachers

    BBC Radio Jersey

    Members of a Jersey teachers union have voted to accept a new pay deal from the States.

    Ninety five percent of NEU members who went to a meeting last night backed the offer, after striking for 10 days this year.

    They were unhappy at the pay deals being previously offered by the States Employment Board.

    As recently as last week members were threatening more strikes.

    The States offered them a half share of any savings they managed to make - but that still wasn't enough.

    This new deal sees them getting the rate of inflation plus 1.3% - and then from January a further 0.8%.

    The money will come from efficiency savings in the education system.

    The employment board, led by senator John le Fondre, insists that won't affect children's learning.

    Union leader Ian Stevenson said it was a win for a fair pay rise and praised his members for being resolute and determined during the dispute.

    Members of the NASUWT are yet to accept the offer.