News tweets: Ben Affleck and the Amazon blackout
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For the week ending 23 August, here is the news making waves in America - all in 140 characters or less.
1. I'd like to thank Ben Affleck for providing a moment of bipartisan agreement on twitter. A real uniter.
After it was announced that Ben Affleck will play Batman in the "Man of Steel" Superman sequel, Twitter was ablaze with upset tweets. Editor-in-Chief of Erickson (@EWErickson, external) finds the silver lining in the widespread disappointment.
2. NPR to call #Manning Bradley til "desire to have his gender changed actually physically happens" Are they gonna check?
After being sentenced to 35 years, Bradley Manning said he now wanted to live as a woman, but NPR announced they would be using male pronouns until the change "physically happens". Nathan Fuller (@Nathanlfuller, external) of the Bradley Manning Support Network enquires about their fact-checking practices.
3. Sure, Ted Cruz releases his birth certificate. But can we be CERTAIN he wasn't born in Kenya?
Republican Senator Ted Cruz renounced his dual-Canadian citizenship this week, which is widely seen as a move towards a 2016 presidential bid. This sparked comparisons to the anti-Obama "birther" movement, and New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof (@NickKristof, external) threw in his two cents.
4. Actually, I kind of like the #NSA. I tried for decades to get the government to listen to me, now it comes as part of my cell plan.
This week officials revealed that the United States Foreign Intelligence Court had ruled the NSA's surveillance program illegal. Political satirist Barry Crimmins (@crimmins, external) notes the bright side of the notorious program.
5. Justin Trudeau admits to smoking pot. And in other headline making news, I just crossed the street.
Canadian MP and proponent of marijuana legalization, Justin Trudeau, admitted he smoked marijuana while in office. Fashion editor Lisa Tant (@LisaTant, external) reacts.
6. It would be ironic if the door did in fact hit Mayor Filner on the ass on his way out of the office.
San Diego Mayer Bob Filner is expected to resign today as part of a deal with the city, after 18 women accuse him of sexual harassment. Dave Itzkoff (@ditzkoff, external), a New York Times culture reporter, ponders a fitting exit.
7. Amazon is down! I have two disease-free chickens to barter directly for a curved blacksmith's veining chisel which I need in great haste.
Amazon's website went down for approximately 40 minutes on Monday. @Pourmecoffee, external, the anonymous political satirist, mocks Amazon customers' reactions across social media.
8. The market did the equivalent of six tequila shots, back to back, on the Ballmer announcement this morning. Gonna be a hell of a hangover.
Microsoft stocks went up 8% this morning after CEO Steve Ballmer announced his resignation. Author Ed Bott's (@edbott, external) forecast isn't as bright.
9. Right now, A-Rod's inner circle is furiously leaking that Ryan Dempster has tested positive for being Canadian.
On Sunday Boston Red Socks pitcher Ryan Dempster intentionally hit New York Yankees third baseman Alex Rodriguez. Dempster faces a five-game suspension, and Rodriguez is playing while appealing a 211 suspension for doping. Bruce Arthur (@bruce_arthur, external), sports columnist for the National Post, mocks the ensuing dramatics.
10. HEADLINE: "Bo Corruption Trial to Go Forward" 1st thought: wow, Republicans are NOT PLAYING about criticizing Obama's pets. 2nd thought: oh.
This week marks the beginning of former elite Chinese politician Bo Xilai's corruption trial. However, back in the US, President Obama's dogs, Bo and Sunny, have received a great deal of attention. In addition to the fanfare surrounding the Obamas' newly adopted pup Sunny, a few conservative tweeters were less than happy. Dave Hughes (@davehuge, external) is VP of Marketing & PR at Nasty Pig clothing company.
Some tweets have been edited for clarity and style.
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