What does freedom look like in 2014?

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What does freedom look like? As part of the BBC's freedom2014 season, we are exploring how freedom is visualised around the world.

We asked five people what freedom looks like to them and we hope their answers will inspire you to create your own artwork, illustrations and images.

We want to showcase the best of your submissions across the BBC.

Please note, the deadline for submissions has now passed and we will no longer be looking at entries sent in after 15 March, but please get involved in the global conversation using the hashtag #freedom2014.

Chris Hadfield, astronaut

Chris Hadfield became famous during a five-month stint on the International Space Station in 2013.

While in space, he would look out upon the world and share his images on social media. One image - of Berlin at night - particularly stood out for him as he felt it represented freedom.

Talking to the BBC, while at London's Science Museum, he said the difference in the lights between east and west Berlin represented "a lingering echo of a freedom that has been regained".

Norman Kember, hostage in Iraq

Norman Kember was taken hostage in Iraq, aged 74, on 26 November 2005.

He was kidnapped, along with three other men (one of whom was killed), by a previously unknown group called the Swords of Righteousness Brigade. He was eventually freed during a military operation on 23 March 2006, and the first thing he did when he returned to England was walk into his garden.

He says: "Walking out into the garden was my idea of being free."

Leyla Hussein, anti-FGM campaigner

Psychotherapist Leyla Hussein is a prominent campaigner against female genital mutilation (FGM). She lived in Saudi Arabia before returning to Somalia with her family as a child. It was there she underwent FGM, an ordeal she found so traumatic, that she wasn't able to deal with what had happened to her until she faced flashbacks while pregnant many years later.

For her, books represented freedom and a chance to escape from the worries she faced.

"Freedom means when you're not judged, and books give me that space where I can just get lost and be in a different world."

Jimmy Wales, Wikipedia founder

Jimmy Wales is famous for founding the non-profit online encyclopaedia Wikipedia and the for-profit Wikia web-hosting company. He is extremely concerned about state surveillance against "ordinary people".

His image of freedom is the Jefferson Memorial in Washington DC, and more specifically a quote by US President Thomas Jefferson inscribed on the memorial: "I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man."

He says: "For me, this quote really defines the essence of freedom."

Jess Thom, 'Touretteshero'

Artist Jess Thom has Tourette's syndrome, a neurological condition that is characterised by a combination of involuntary noises and movements called tics.

She has decided to take her disability and turn it into something positive. She has created a character called 'Touretteshero' who celebrates the condition and uses it as a source of creativity.

She has loved walking since she was a child but as her mobility deteriorated, she missed the freedom of being able to just go for a walk.

For Jess, her wheelchair has opened up new worlds for her.

She says: "My wheelchair and my tics are not the things that disable me. The thing that disables me is the inaccessible environment."

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