Libya unrest: Young Libyan says 'now it's a war'

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Adam BaderImage source, (C) British Broadcasting Corporation
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Adam's city is free, but he said he's worried about many of his friends

With violence in Libya going on for almost two weeks Newsbeat has spoken to a young person in the country about what it's like to live there.

World leaders have called for Libya's Colonel Gaddafi to resign, with much of the country now controlled by anti-government protesters.

However Col Gaddafi still holds the country's capital, Tripoli.

Adam Bader is 22 and lives in Darnah in eastern Libya - his city is free but he said he is worried about his friends.

"I've been feeling really sad when I've seen what's happening in Tripoli," he explained.

'It's crazy'

"If Gaddafi continues, people are going to continue going out. It's motivating people to fight more, and now it's a war.

Adam lives with his family, and he says they are really worried.

"My family and my friends have been trying to keep me at home because they don't want me to go out on the streets and get myself killed.

"It's the same for my friends in Tripoli. People are worried, families are worried," he said.

"The problem is when they see the images on TV, even women and old people go out on the streets.

"They see it and they want to fight. It's crazy."

Adam said he's managed to get hold of most of his friends - some live in the suburbs of Tripoli and have heard gunfire during the night.

"I've heard from three of my friends in Tripoli. I couldn't reach two others, I really hope they're fine.

"The problem is the mobile networks are down - especially the one in Tripoli.

Life is beginning to get back to normal in Adam's town but schools and most shops are still closed.

'Still worried'

"This might sound weird - but it's a lot better here than a week ago, people are safe, people are happy," he said.

"They are singing on the streets, people believe they have a better future. They are already talking about the new Libya, the new country."

"Things have changed here, at first it was dangerous to go out on the streets, there were some mercenaries, now though it's safe," he continued.

"People have volunteered to take care of the city, clean up, and offer medical assistance. People are offering the essential things.

"There are still these big screens up and people are watching Al-Jazeera, trying to keep up with things going on in Tripoli.

"Life is normal - but people are still worried about what's going on. People are not comfortable, they are trying to live a normal life but they can't until Gaddafi is gone."

Adam said if it came to it he would be willing to go out and fight.

"If Gaddafi came to our town I would go out and protest," he said.

"I was born here and I love the people here, they are very very brave.

"It's amazing to see people risking their lives so their friends and brothers and sons and daughters can have a better life."