Unemployment falls: Your views on the jobs market

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Woman walks past a job centreImage source, PA

Unemployment in the UK has seen its biggest fall in more than a decade, with the number dropping by 88,000 in the three months to April.

There are also fewer young people out of work, with the jobless rate among 16 to 24-year-olds falling from 20.7% to 19.4%, according to the ONS.

The total number of people out of work now stands at 2.43 million although the amount claiming Jobseeker's Allowance has risen.

Newsbeat went to meet listeners on the streets of Glasgow to find out how easy or hard it is for them to get a job.

Jamie Vincent Gillespie

Image source, bbc

"I went for work experience while I was studying and was lucky enough to get offered a job while I was still studying.

"I've been quite lucky that I have had a lot of work. A lot of the guys and girls I studied with have struggled to get work. I don't know if that's a reflection of my industry, I work in media.

"I have a few friends from college who have ended up working in bars. It's hard because you might graduate and have a part time job and have to take that on full time because you need to pay rent and stuff.

"You don't want to take the chance of leaving and being unemployed trying to find other work when you have an income."

Karen Gardner

Image source, bbc

"I've been quite lucky, but it is really difficult to get work.

"I'm on a lot of freelance contracts. Out of a group of 14 from my year there's about three or four people that are in regular work. I think that shows how hard it is.

"I had prepared myself for it being worse. I had a part time job in a call centre through uni and I took it on full time when I left but I didn't do that for long.

"I know people who are now working full time in their part time job from when they were at uni."

Phena and Carole

Image source, bbc

Phena: "I have a job - I am a support worker, it took me three months to find it.

"I'm at uni but I needed a part time job to pay rent and bills. I didn't want to rely on my mum so much.

"I have a lot of friends who haven't found anything. I think people underestimate how hard it is to get a job. You see adverts in shops looking for part time or full time, so you hand your CV in and they e-mail you or call you and say you haven't made the cut."

Carole: "I am looking for a job. I want to work in catering.

"I am applying in different places, handing my CV in to shops and stuff. I have been looking for a job for a month.

"I'm at college but it's the holidays so I need a summer job. If I don't get one I wont be able to go out and it just won't be fun. I'm having to ask my mum to help me."

Emma Sweeney

Image source, bbc

"I've been looking for a job since February. There are no jobs and every job you're looking for wants experience so if you don't have much it doesn't help.

"I have experience in the office, so I'm looking for anything based in an office but I'll take anything.

"I'm now applying for college because I can't find a job, but all the places are taken up because people can't find jobs.

"There's nothing you can do other than go to the job centre which doesn't really help.

"I give my CV out everywhere from McDonald's to fashion shops to offices. Basically I wake up and I look over the internet and apply for anything, then I go to the job centre every day.

"I apply for everything. It's really tough."