UK results: Conservatives win majority

After 650 of 650 seats declared
UK results
Party Conservative Labour Scottish National Party Liberal Democrat Democratic Unionist Party Others
Seats 365 203 48 11 8 15
Change +47 -59 +13 -1 -2 +2

Upper Bann

Parliamentary constituency



  1. Democratic Unionist Party
    Carla Lockhart
    • Votes: 20,501
    • Vote share %: 41.0
    • Vote share change: -2.6
  2. Sinn Féin
    John O'Dowd
    • Votes: 12,291
    • Vote share %: 24.6
    • Vote share change: -3.4
  3. Alliance Party
    Eóin Tennyson
    • Votes: 6,433
    • Vote share %: 12.9
    • Vote share change: +8.3
  4. Ulster Unionist Party
    Doug Beattie
    • Votes: 6,197
    • Vote share %: 12.4
    • Vote share change: -3.0
  5. Social Democratic & Labour Party
    Dolores Kelly
    • Votes: 4,623
    • Vote share %: 9.2
    • Vote share change: +0.7

Change compared with 2017


  • DUP majority: 8,210
  • Registered voters: 82,887
  • % share:
  • Change since 2017: -3.6

Vote share

Party % share
Democratic Unionist Party 41.0%
Sinn Féin 24.6%
Alliance Party 12.9%
Ulster Unionist Party 12.4%
Social Democratic & Labour Party 9.2%

Vote share change since 2017

  • Alliance Party +8.3 Gained
  • Social Democratic & Labour Party +0.7 Gained
  • Democratic Unionist Party -2.6 Lost
  • Ulster Unionist Party -3.0 Lost
  • Sinn Féin -3.4 Lost

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General Election 2017 results
Party Votes % Net percentage change in seats


Democratic Unionist Party

David Simpson Votes 22,317 header_vote_share 43.5 Net percentage change in seats +10.9


Sinn Fein

John O Dowd Votes 14,325 header_vote_share 27.9 Net percentage change in seats +3.4


Ulster Unionist Party

Doug Beattie Votes 7,900 header_vote_share 15.4 Net percentage change in seats -12.5


Social Democratic & Labour Party

Declan McAlinden Votes 4,397 header_vote_share 8.6 Net percentage change in seats -0.4


Alliance Party

Tara Doyle Votes 2,319 header_vote_share 4.5 Net percentage change in seats +0.8


Democratic Unionist Party
, with candidate David Simpson
, have the following results:
  • 15,430 total votes taken.
  • 32.7% share of the total vote
  • -1.2% change in share of the votes
Ulster Unionist Party
, with candidate Jo-Anne Dobson
, have the following results:
  • 13,166 total votes taken.
  • 27.9% share of the total vote
  • +2.2% change in share of the votes
Sinn Fein
, with candidate Catherine Seeley
, have the following results:
  • 11,593 total votes taken.
  • 24.6% share of the total vote
  • -0.2% change in share of the votes
Social Democratic & Labour Party
, with candidate Dolores Kelly
, have the following results:
  • 4,238 total votes taken.
  • 9.0% share of the total vote
  • -3.8% change in share of the votes
Alliance Party
, with candidate Peter Lavery
, have the following results:
  • 1,780 total votes taken.
  • 3.8% share of the total vote
  • +0.8% change in share of the votes
Cannabis Is Safer Than Alcohol
, with candidate Martin Kelly
, have the following results:
  • 460 total votes taken.
  • 1.0% share of the total vote
  • +1.0% change in share of the votes
Workers Party
, with candidate Damien Harte
, have the following results:
  • 351 total votes taken.
  • 0.7% share of the total vote
  • +0.7% change in share of the votes
, with candidate Amandeep Bhogal
, have the following results:
  • 201 total votes taken.
  • 0.4% share of the total vote
  • +0.4% change in share of the votes

Change compared with 2010