Musical twin towns

The songs cities are searching for

Mobile app Shazam helps its users find out about unfamiliar or forgotten music. Explore the top-10 most-searched-for songs in 4,900 cities in 200 countries.

Top tracks in


Your twin town

We searched Shazam's data for distant towns with a similar taste in music. This is the furthest place, on a different continent, with the highest number of matches for top-10 songs.

miles away ( km)

    Not one of the songs listed also features in the top 10 for any town on a different continent.

    There are just 101 cities out nearly 5,000 in the data that have no twin town.

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    How this page was made

    Shazam is a software application that helps people identify pieces of music. Users of the app play an extract of a song on their smartphones or computers. If the app recognises the extract, it displays the name of the artist and the song.

    The company shared with the BBC the top 10 songs being looked up during November in each of 4,900 places to enable the creation of this page. We have matched as many songs as possible in Shazam's data with the BBC music database to enable readers to listen to clips of the songs. There are over 10,000 different tracks in total. Not all their titles are available in English.


    Top image shows Klara Söderberg of Swedish band First Aid Kit and Scottish DJ/producer Calvin Harris. Page produced by Charlotte Thornton, Punit Shah, Richard Bangay, Ransome Mpini, Ed Lowther, Lucy Rodgers and John Walton.

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