Your ThoughtsMy name is Susan W and I am 22 years old. I remember when I was a child, that I asked my mother to remind me to watch the marriage of Lady Di to Prince Charles. As an American raised during the 80s and early 90s, I cannot remember a time when I did not see a picture of Diana somewhere at the newstand or in the line at the grocery store. I grew up with a constant impression of Britain, being that Diana represented it. She was the epitomy of beauty and grace.I felt as if I knew her. She was such a classy woman, and my mother often used her as an example when we discussed public manners. She was so full of love, and it hurt to see her unhappy for so many years. We just had on the news this last week reports on her new romance. I was happy, that she was now living again. I hurt the most for her sons, than I do for the ex-husband, it's sad that he did not know what a gem he had in the beginning, but we know now he sure does. I lost many people to freak car accidents and accidents at a young age, I know the hurt of the boys, which made me weep. I know Diana will always be kept alive in the hearts of the worlds inhabitants, as one who cared about everyone else, and not just herself. We will never forget Diana, including God, who will remember on the last day. Aloha, SusanW Kihei Maui Hawaii.USA Beautiful Princess Diana You will always be the brightest star in the Crown Jewels. Your loss is so painful, yet your beauty and goodness will live on through your sons, Princes William and Harry. Rest in peace. You are surely an angel in heaven. Maxine, Los Angeles, California An inspiration to our generation, forever in our thoughts.... Julie and Paul Dorset I've already sent my condolences to the Royal Web Site. But it still doesn't seem good enough for the memory of the `People's Princess'. There has been a lot of debate over the fault of her death ... a lot of criticism of the media/paparazzi. We may never know the true extent of their involvement in her untimely and senseless death. However, I feel they owe Diana something for the years of her life that were spent under their prying eye, and sadly, rather chillingly, of her death. Every photo ever produced, in whatever publication, should be published for a `fee'. Every editor, every publication in the World should be required to pay that `fee' into the Diana, Princess of Wales Trust Fund. It is a `privilege' that they should use her photo, a `privilege' to use her memories and her life ....... let them pay for it, to the benefit of a cause close to her heart. Let her `history' be a ever increasing money pool for the charities she helped during her life. And let the world know that every time they gaze on her beautiful face that privilege has been rewarded. Regards Wendy Taylor Berkshire Hi everyone! What I write is completely my way of expressing the feelings and admiration I have for this person. This idea is in the sake of the cause for which this person stood, this could seem to have a bearing on the personal life of the person, but everyone has a personal life which one has a choice to live as one wants. But the cause for which a person lives, works and is admired and respected for, stands above all the brouhaha that goes with the person's personal life. My pointers are towards this person that the world lost - Princess Diana. No doubt that she has gathered a lot of admirers in the world young and old, men and women. So when I read this on the BBC site that almost the whole of UK is coming to a standstill for a minute in respect for this Global Ambassador, I decided that lets all give our part of respect, call it admiration, call it love, for this one person. Let us all, whatever we are doing at 11:45 GMT/UTC - other than being asleep, stop for a moment, 1 minute and pray that there be eternal peace for this soul, which though was born and lived through a Royal status, but came down to 'earth' to meet and show care for the underprivileged, to have a word with them, to be a part of their pain, and to show that someone cared. This person may have done this for whatever reason, but it did show that the Royalty that one is associated with doesn't just exist for the namesake of it. As in India, it's well known history that some royal families, Kings, Queens, existed to rule over the general masses, to take care of them, to be a Godfather/Godmother for them, to protect them. This was the Royalty of the Modern ages, and this Royalty actually was in the form of an 'Angelic figure' who wanted to be and has become the 'Queen of Hearts' by her acts of care and kindness. So let's all join in for 1 minute of prayer for this Soul, since all of us have lost one part of this rare 'Humanity' that the Human race is supposed to have been bestowed upon, and God knows when in the future, shall we come across such examples of 'Humane Beings' And let us all in this moment pledge, of our share to this Humanity, of which I am sure we all are proud of being a part. Please pass this message across to as many as possible, so that it reaches those who would have similar thoughts, who could come across one more such individual, who would like to remember the 'Queen of the Human Heart' "God Bless Princess Diana, and give strength to the Family" She'll be truly missed, as a mother, a sister, as a friend, as a Godmother, especially for all those children she loved whom she would have loved to meet and share a moment with, she'll be always a 'Fairy GodMother' I LIVE IN JERSEY (CHANNEL ISLANDS). MY NAN IS A VERY GREAT ROYAL COLLECTOR AND IS VERY SHOCKED! MY FAMILY WOULD LIKE TO SEND OUR LOVE & SORPORT TO HARRY& WILLAM ,AND TO THE REST OF THE ROYAL FAMILY. SHE WAS THE QUEEN OF HEARTS! I SORT OF NO HOW IT FEELS TO ONELY HAVE ONE PARENT AROUND. SOME ONE SHOULD STOP THE PRESS BEFORE ANOTHER ACIDENT HAPPENS! PHILIPPA GOLLOP AGE 12 WHY HER? All our thoughts and prayers combine with sorrow at the loss of such a vibrant person. May God give her children the strength they need at this saddest of all times. From the congregation of Mitcham Parish Church DEAR LADY THIS WORLD WAS NEVER MEANT FOR ONE AS BEAUTIFUL AS YOU.... H. Raberger, Austria I was deeply shocked when I heard the terrible news about the death of Lady Diana. Now she can find peace and silence that she could never find during her life. As I lived in Great Britain I can feel the sadness of the entire British population. However, I am very concerned about the future of her two sons. Christian Sonders, Germany I am truly sorry about what happened. We all miss you very much. It was a tragic loss to the whole world I wish it'd never happened. Nelli Timm ESTONIA am still at the point where I am hoping this is just a nightmare, and I will wake up and find we still have Princess Diana. My thoughts and prayers go out to you, William and Harry. 16 years ago I set my alarm for 4:00 am to watch your fairytale wedding. I watched with tired, happy eyes. 16 years later I read the reports of your untimely death on the Web. I then watched news reports after news reports through tired, sad eyes. I will set my alarm at 3:00 am this coming Saturday to watch your funeral. Say it isn't so... Gina Tallarigo My wife and I cannot come to terms with the loss of Diana, the Princess of Wales. We didn't know her, and unfortunately never had the honour of meeting her. Yet her passing is as if we did. She touched all our hearts because unlike many others in the world spotlight, she came across as genuine and showed her emotions, particularly her sadder ones. It was probably those sadder moments which we all identified with, and unlike others of her Royal ilk, she showed herself to be one of us, with real feelings and emotions. We will never forget her, and hope most of all, that her sons will be spared the overwhelming attention of the world's press and media, not only now, but also, for as long as they live. Our thoughts are with you. We will miss you dreadfully Diana, God bless you. Mark & Aileen Alberts The effect Diana`s death has had had on the nation reflects the love everyone had and indeed will continue to have for her. No one will forget the genuine love and compassion she showed towards those less fortunate and in a way which no other member of the Royal family has and I believe ever will be able to. It is so difficult to accept the cruel and unnecessary way in which her life was snatched away and at such a young age. She looked so happy over the last few months and in Dodi seemed to have found her true soul mate. It`s just not fair that she has been denied the happiness she so richly deserved. My thoughts are with William and Harry who have been through so much already. They can take comfort from the fact that I am sure Diana will be watching over them. My thoughts are also with the families of the bodyguard to whom I wish a speedy recovery and that of Dodi Al-Fayed. May you rest in peace Diana. Caron & Craig We in India got the news through BBC World News and were taken aback and still could not believe that she's gone. Our family have never seen her but we do understand how valuable she was as a person to the world as was Smt Indira Gandhi to India. She gave a hope of life to millions of people throughout the world. We shall definitely miss her as a great personality of the world. Our deepest condolence to a great soul passed from this materialistic world. Jain Parivar / DCP Associates Pvt.Ltd, New Delhi, India Bye you can fly in the sky.... free as you had never been, you will be missed by everyone.... LDF from Italy Among the several charities helped by Princess Diana were those aiding the homeless. Many of these destitute people have died alone, unnoticed, on streets and in alleyways. How unutterably sad it is that even they should have come to the end of their lives with greater peace and dignity than was allowed Diana, Princess of Wales, by the animals who continued to photograph her as she lay in the tunnel. What a terrible age we live in. May she rest in peace. Tina Cuyugan Manila, Phlippines Say not in grief that she is no more, but in thankfulness that she was. From Gillian, Tony and Johanna Thomas, Surrey, England It is not easy to find words to say at a time like this - but I will try. Diana, your death leaves a big hole in our lives even though we didn't know you. You always were an example of how to triumph over all that went wrong in your life. Whatever doors life shut in your face, you always seemed to find another one to open - I admired your strength and courage. William and Harry, my heart goes out to you both - I recently lost my father so I know only too well what it is to lose a parent in tragic circumstances. However, a father is not a mother - mothers are the mainstay in children's lives and your days ahead must seem ever so long. My thoughts and those of my own family are with you. Our prayers are with you each day - may God grant you the courage to face the future, proud to have had Diana as a mother and proud to carry with you the hopes and aspirations she had for you. God Bless you Tricia Woods, Switzerland This is from the clients and Management of the Internet Cafe, Cyberscape in Port Elizabeth , South Africa. We grieve for the loss of "The Queen of Hearts", Princess Diana. May she rest in peace in death , more than she did in life! Always a Diana fan. Alistair Manager - Cyberscape South Africa England can long be proud of the great blessings that Diana brought to them while she was alive. Diana gave Britain a new lease of life and she brought them into the 20th Century with her loving and giving attitude. Also the Monarchy does not realise it, she gave more to their country that they ever have in 200 years. Her Lust for Life invigorated the youth and the "Baby Boom" generation of Britain, and made them realise that life is a wonderful thing to be appreciated. Her dedication to her charities had awoken a whole generation of giving and made people realise the importance of giving of ones self to others. Thank you Britain, for sharing Diana with us. Donna Miller, Newfane, NY USA Dear Diana, You are in our hearts always. Farewell. My heart goes out to the Children and family. "Light of Life" "Like light through a pane, bright, warm and magnificent, she came. Light of life, light of hope, light of love, Like light through a pane she will always be, in out hearts in our souls, everything, we wish to be Light of life, life to be". -michael levy Michael Levy Columbus, Ohio U.S.A I never realised until the last few days just how much Diana had affected my life. Before this tragic end to her life, I always took for granted that she would always be there, in all the tabloids, her life there for everyone to see. Because of the paparazzi, I will no longer be able to see her... Even though she was no longer considered to be part of the royal family, I will always consider her that way. I am a Canadian citizen, although I currently reside in the Untied States, and I know that we, as a nation, do not have the same ties to the monarchy as we once did, but the loss of Diana has impacted me as if she was part of the Canadian culture. My respect for this woman is tremendous. She always fought for what she thought was right...and in the midst of all the adversity, she somehow always managed to do good for all the lives she touched. I feel great sadness in her passing, as does the rest of the world. I will miss this extraordinary woman, and will grieve with her two sons, Harry and William. My thoughts and prayers are with her sisters and brother, the Royal Family, Dodi's family, the people of Great Britain, but most of all with the two young men she leaves behind. I will miss her... Brenda Thompson Erie, Pennsylvania United States of America
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