Your ThoughtsAfter knowing the news of Lady Diana, Princess of Wales, has pass away, I was deeply shocked and devastated, and questioned why the good people should always be the first to be taken away. Even though Lady Diana had no chance to visit our country, I can surely say her works on humanitarian cause is already very well known to the people of the Philippines and we will definitely missed her forever. Our condolences to the Royal family of Great Britain and to her two children. Finally, TO LADY DIANA, PRINCESS OF WALES, MAY YOU REST IN PEACE, WE WILL NEVER FORGET YOU AND WE WILL LOVED YOU FOREVER.
Edmond Tanyen
It's so hard to find the words to express my thoughts at the loss of Princess Diana. I had expected her to be around for quite some time yet doing her good works which she was renowned for world-wide. It will probably be a while before we all realise that the world has become a duller place through her tragic loss. Jim I never knew a princess but now I now I never will forget Diana the princess of the world and it's people.
Mark L.
All the people around the world loved her. And we also know she was perfectly innocent. I can only pray for her that she is living now, in the peaceful world of heaven. Good-bye, but I don't Want to say so. You will live in our mind forever, Diana.... Masami sekine Sapporo japan Diana You were a tremendous person, whom we will never forget. You have left us only to go to a better place, free from troubles. William and Harry will grow up with fond memories of your love for them and will never forget the 'normality' you continually brought into their lives in various ways. I, and the rest of the world share in their grief. RIP JD, Newcastle Upon Tyne, England Princess Diana, I am left shocked and saddened by your untimely death. May you find peace at last. My deepest sympathy goes to William and Harry. Love from Carly Perth, Western Australia Dear Diana, As we walk, As we play, Someone very special dies, Somebody who wanted to be named, "The Queen of Hearts" I hope you rest in peace. You will always be remembered. I am a nine year old who can make up poems on the spot. My name is Joelle and I think that Diana was a great person and was really nice to children!! Love Joelle. Perth W.A.(Australia) The death of Diana struck me with such intensity that my heart could not help but bleed a little every time I see her face. I guess I have not yet come to grips with her untimely death...perhaps I never will. People ask me why I grieve and mourn over someone I barely know personally. Little do they know that sometimes a distant person can touch your heart in more ways than one. Diana had so much love to give despite the problems that plagued her. She is very easy to love for she was passionate, kind and humane. How can anyone not feel for her? She will forever hold a special place in my heart. I am very sure that no one can replace her for she is indeed the Queen of many Hearts...
Li Szu HOH
We have never known you before, but you're always in our hearts. Your smile would not make this world as beautiful as it was anymore. We'll miss you Princess! Rest In Peace, Diana.
Dian Savitri She has brought the world together peacefully in our mourning ... Let her death not be in vain...we know that her spirit lives on.
Ian Abrahams
All of us at Quality Inn Southern Star, Mysore, India deeply mourn the passing of a blithe spirit. In the passing of Diana, Princess of Wales the world has indeed lost a person of great character and charisma. Our heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family members. From Upendra Singh Jamwal, Avantika, Suman and the entire staff and management. My heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family, especially her two sons. Diana represented an icon which stands apart nonpareil; a beacon for others to emulate (if possible) & follow. So strong are emotions even though I am thousands of miles from England; a place not visited by Diana - and yet... Try and live like her - one will certainly not be up to the task. She possessed that special strength & inspiration which elevated her above equals – and provided a new meaning to being humanitarian May her soul rest in peace Rgds Diptesh Our deepest sympathies go to Princess Diana's family, and most particularly her two young sons over her tragic death on Sunday morning. May she rest in peace.
Thomas and Wendy Twigg Diana will be greatly missed by the entire world. She was a real trouper, I would like her boys to know that at this time they should draw closer to our heavenly father God. He will comfort them like no one else can. God's love will always be with them especially now. May God continue to bless them and strengthen them at this time. We Share your grief. Much love to the boys, Diana's mother, Brother and her sisters. I am sure that she is in heaven and one day they will be reunited with her in heaven. I can't believe it. In my mind Diana is alive. There was rarely a better women in the world and "sweet angel". In Moscow will remember her. Poor William and Harry. Marina Sapunova. Moscow My name is Amyn Hamirani from Karachi Pakistan. The passing of Diana is a tragic event. Words can never express the feelings of sadness, grief and sense of loss that the people feel, not just in the U.K. but world wide. We always feel sorrow for our favourite Princess. Diana is someone who is really considerate and passionate. She has fought for freedom for years and she can now free from the annoyance of scandal made by the reporters. There is no one can take her place as the "queens of compassion" and "queen of people". Deep in the heart of people, she is always the queen. Though the Lord took her back, I believe she will find the real peace in heaven. Jonathan Lee Hing Yu, from Hong Kong. Diana, in your short life you have touched the hearts of so many, you have showed the world compassion, helped the sick and raised funds for the needy. You have shown us what we need to do, the world grieves for you today. As a mother you have shown your love and passion for William and Harry, our thoughts are with them now, we will honour them in memory of you. May God protect them for the rest of their lives. May you rest in peace, your good work done. We love and miss you but will never forget you. Ron & Maria Tapp, Adelaide SA, Australia. We in India got the news through B.B.C. World News and were taken aback and still could not believe that she's gone. Our family have never seen her but we do understand how valuable she was as a person to the world as was Smt. Indira Gandhi to India. She gave a hope of life to millions of people throughout the world. We shall definitely miss her as a great personality of the world. Our deepest condolence to a great soul passed from this materialistic world. Jain Parivar, New Delhi, India As a Bangladeshi I feel great sadness about the death of the Princess Diana. As a person she was very kind to poor people all over the world . She was very popular and widely known on her contribution for the poor and sick people in Bangladesh and we will miss her immensely. She was the princess of the world.
Golam Sarwar Dear Charles, William, Harry, No words can measure the depth of sadness you all are going through at this Time. We stand by you with our prayers. Even a thousand message like this is Not enough to appreciate the work she had done for the less privileged And downtrodden in the world. I am sure by the grace of Almighty the work she had started will continue and one day the world will be a much more better place to live, which she dreamed of all through her life. Our heartfelt condolences to your family.
Swathi & Virginia I hereby send my condolences. I thought of Lady Diana as a very special person. She was the woman who I wish to be my mother, my wife and my daughter all in one. Goodbye, Johan.
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