Your ThoughtsWe would like to send my heart felt sympathy to all of the families and friends affected by this tragedy. Our hearts aching in disbelief, over our princess. Thinking back to happier times, as an 8 year old, watching the beautiful princess take her vows. I was mesmerised by her. She was such a great person. She was a little girl’s role model. The world will forever miss her. I know she touched my life. May god lift you upon high, you are an angel.... All my love.... Stacey Jones Hill Airforce Base, Utah . This week the world will be on its knees for Lady Diana. This Lady deserves that and much more, not only for what she did but for what she represented. She was in fact the Princess of us all. When I received the news on Sunday morning I refused to listen to the radio or TV because I was furious about, not the paparazzi, but the people that are responsible for this lack of values and principles, that creates the paparazzi: the tabloid reader. Lady Di was not killed by a car accident but by a world without values, dignity, respect and common sense. The same world that will cry on Saturday will be reading tabloids and creating more paparazzi by the next day. Daniel, Portugal I would like to offer my deepest sympathies on death of a true princess. I am from India however, we all share the grief and sorrow with the people of the United Kingdom. May her soul rest in peace. Pranav Shah I express the love of Princess Diana from myself and many others who feel this loss deeply. Princess Diana was more than a Princess of the United Kingdom, she is our Princess as well. I feel like I have lost a family member. I pray for her and her loved ones. Diana, Princess of Wales, was the best thing that has ever happened to Britain, in our time, now she has gone. She was kind, warm hearted, considerate and won the hearts and affections of not only the British people but all the peoples throughout the world. Diana was not only the Princess of Wales, but a Princess of the whole World. She was more than just a Princess or even a Queen she was an Empress of the World. Where everyone was her people and everybody loved her with deep affection. Whether it was a charity function or a Royal Occasion, Diana would raise the hearts and minds of millions wherever she went. Diana had a way of doing things in support of her work, even to the point of friendly persuasion with prominent people, who were very difficult to persuade, even at the best of times. She turned them around, with just a few friendly words and persuaded them, without even really trying. More recently Diana campaigned for the international ban on land mines and got overwhelming support. She was the best ambassador Britain has ever had. The Princess was unique in every way possible especially when meeting people, either it is the rich and famous, distinguished guests, world leaders or ordinary people. Even children, the elderly, the infirm, the chronically sick and those suffering with incurable diseases such as AIDS, she reached out and touched them all. The Princess of Wales' tragic and untimely death was a shock to us all. I cannot get over the fact that she is dead, which a young woman like Diana, struck down in the prime of her life, who had everything to live for, with her life in front of her, now she has gone from us all forever. She will be sadly missed, especially here in Wales where many places she visited became their patron and gave hope to all those struck down by illness or tragedy now that is all gone. Our thoughts and prayers must go now out to her two sons Prince's William and Harry who now have to face the rest of their lives without their mother that is a tragic thing for anyone growing up. On reflection, Diana Princess of Wales won the hearts of millions and brought comfort to those who needed it. She would have liked to be remembered as "The Queen of Hearts"; let this be her epitaph as Britain and the whole world would like to remember her. Terry Box, Swansea Dear Diana: I am the same age as you. On a national TV broadcasting in Taiwan, I saw your wedding and your face the first time when I just started college. It's been a long time. Honestly, I could never imagine what you look like when you are old... Silly me! You are elegant and beautiful forever. Yang. TAIWAN The world has lost a diamond. We will never forget you. Ralf Hessmann, Hattstedt, GERMANY Diana, the Princess of all our hearts, What legacy will you leave, We'll miss you dearly, forever more, Your works and your good deeds.
We've watched your life, for a long, long time,
So farewell Diana, we'll miss you so, Steven Stewart, Shawnee, Oklahoma, USA. XXX I am writing to you from Chesapeake, Virginia, USA. I have been awake for almost 48 hours straight. The news of Diana's death has really put me in a state of shock......I can only imagine what it must be like for her fellow countrymen. She was certainly one of my heroes, as I'm sure she was to a great deal of people all around the world. A tragedy like this makes me wonder what is in store for us all. How can a person who was as close to an angel as we will ever see, be taken away from us when we need her so badly? Who is going to fill her shoes? Frankly, I don't think there is anyone. What a wonderful woman - I wish God would have let us keep her a while longer. My condolences go out to her sons, other members of her family, and all of the rest of the world for having lost such a friend. Thank you, Karen Melton The world has become a lesser place without her, and this moment is indeed a very sad one. I guess if I am allowed to bring one person back to life, it will be her, as no one else will be able to give so much love to others. She is irreplaceable, but we must all devote that little bit extra effort to do some good everyday, so that collectively, we may in some way compensate the loss of the world's most compassionate being. I think Diana would like that. May her soul rest in peace. JB, Hong Kong My sincerest condolences to Prince William and Prince Harry, to the Royal Family and to everybody who loved Princess Diana deeply. Her unexpected death IS THE GREATEST LOSS OF THE CENTURY. God bless Princess Diana, Rest in Peace. Zeynep Sami, Ankara, Turkey God said you have suffered enough and you have done more than enough for this world. It's time to go to Him. He is there waiting for you. That's the only place for you to find peace and happiness. We all love you, Diana..... Daphne of Malaysia First I would like to say that I am very saddened by Princess Diana's death just as so many other are around the world are. I am very disappointed how all news media & photographers couldn't & wouldn't give Princess Diana and her children the privacy they so much deserved, though saddened that it had to take this a lost of a wonderful mother in order to do so? What have we as human beings have come to? Lady Diana will forever live in our hearts, souls, & minds. Her gentleness as a mother, speaker for the unfortunate, will shine through, through her children .....god bless them and God keep them from harm. Our thoughts & prayers goes out to all family members of Princess Diana. Sincerely, Stef4bobby (mother of 2) Britain has lost a true treasure... Princess Diana will be missed, not only in England but all around the world. Diana was charismatic, beautiful, outspoken, and a world's princess. The likes of her will not be seen again for a very long time! Princess Diana... WE WILL MISS YOU!!! Paul Manijak , Chicopee, U.S.A. Princess of the people and of hearts loved by all could never be replaced. You will be sadly missed by everyone whose heart she ever touched. Heartfelt sympathy to William and Harry, Don't forget what mamma taught you and carry her love for ever. From Shirley and Terry. This shall be one of my saddest days of my life. Hearing the news that night I was left in shock and disbelief. I still can't quite get to terms with the tragedy. I did not realise how much she meant to me, only now do I realise she was more than just a photo she was a friend. Harvey Lady Di...will remain in our hearts... The special moments and memories in her life will never change. They will always be in our heart, today and forevermore. WE LOVE YOU Princess Di !!! The Filipino Community in Kuwait I'm Qusai , I'm From KUWAIT and I'm so sad and all Kuwaitis are sad about our Princes of all world and Kuwait ( Diana ) For here death and we send our Condolence to her family and her sons ! We hope that she is now in peace in Heaven beside God! FROM KUWAIT WITH LOVE TO DIANA AND ENGLAND ! Yours, Saad Qusai Al-Mohaini, KUWAIT If we all dedicated ourselves to the service of a higher good, we would be living in a world of justice, peace and plenty. In Princess Diana we find a role model for obtaining that ideal. Rev. Dr. Alicia McNary Forsey, Berkeley, California., U.S.
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