Your Thoughts

. Hereby I'd like to express my condolences for Diana, Princess of Wales's untimely death. It is a total waste.

She was the bright light in the monarchy although she was no longer part of it officially. In her death Britain has lost glamour and depth. Hopefully Prince William won't be the press's next favourite target.

. Mi dispiace molto che la Principessa Diana non _ pi• tra noi. Io sono una piccola bimba di nove anni e mi chiamo Giorgia volevo mettere un colorato fiore virtuale sulla tomba della Principessa pi• dolce del mondo. Volevo dare anche un bacio ai figli della Principessa Diana

Giorgia & Lucrezia

. Princess Diana should have a royal funeral. And laws need to be issued against these photographers. It is obscene the way they hound celebrities, they should get a life not take them.
. Costernate dagli eventi, rivolgiamo un dolce ed affettuoso pensiero alla Principessa Diana.

Lorella, Anna e Flavia - A.R.T srl - Roma (Italia).

. It is impossible to describe all our feelings toward this tragic moment, but we really want to sat that "The World is little poorer after the death of Princess Diana".

Luiz & Celia

. The Queen of millions, Princess Diana, certainly your sudden unwanted leaving has shaken everybody from the top to the bottom of the society.

The world has suffered a great irreplaceable loss by your sudden death but at the same time inspired millions to uphold your morals and social values, the way you have comforted the distressed and neglected.

Your passing away has brought questions and thoughts in our minds on alcohol, drugs, extramarital affairs and many other moral values. To Prince William and Henry, you should be proud of being the sons of such an extraordinary mother.

Dr.Ejaz Ahmed and Farhana Ahmed, Stockholm, Sweden.

. She inspired love wherever she went and put her whole heart and soul into making life better for the least fortunate.

In her life, and even more in her tragic death, she reminded us that we are not made for selfishness, and she raised us to knew heights of devotion to others.

May God guard our memory of her, and use it to turn our eyes to heaven, where alone true joy is found.

Richard Wilkins Watford

. It was such a great shock to hear of the sudden death of Diana, Princess of Wales. My father died recently, so I know what it must be like for the family she left behind, in particular Prince William and Prince Harry.

Diana was a lovely genuine individual whose privacy was eroded by the media and the press.

I hope and pray that the gap you have left behind can be filled although it would be very difficult indeed. It is very unfortunate that now that it appeared that she found love and happiness she was taken away from us.

The whole world loves you but Jesus loves you best, rest in perfect peace in heaven.

Goodnight and farewell to a wonderful lady who strove so much to be loved; she was willing to give love unconditionally to the sick, the elderly, children and the needy all over the world.

Once again, rest in perfect peace our Queen of Hearts.

Peter Oriogun, North London

. Thank you Princess of Wales, Diana, for the good things you strove to do, and for your positive impact on our common humanity. May your eternal path be clear. Amen.

The Meseko Family, Niger & Nigeria

. Diana, The people's princess. Live forever in the people's heart.


. I didn't meet you in person, but from the first time I knew about you, you have become my dream.

People in all around world love you so much. This world will be much different without you. You have brought angel's beauty, sweet, kindness, and warmth to this cold and ruthless world. I have not been so sad in my life.

You will be missed and you will be always in my heart.

Bye-bye sweet angel.

Hujun Yin

. Everyone I know thought Diana to be the most beautiful, thoughtful, caring princess. She showed love and affection to many children, elderly people and the sick.

She will be sadly missed across the world. Diana, Rest in Peace.

To the family of Princess Diana, I am sorry.

Carolina Papenburg Ingham, Sao Paulo, Brasil

. To the Queen of Hearts - we miss you greatly. No one else can fill the void you leave behind. May you rest in peace.

Mary Faupel

. It's hard for me to accept the fact that Diana has left us for ever. I'm sure she will live in the hearts and memory of millions of people world over for ever.

She represented some of the most beautiful elements of mankind. She is one of the most outstanding figures of this century and of mankind.

Long live the spirits of Diana!

Yu Shi, UK

. We are the 6th grade internet exploratory class at Vine Middle Performing Arts and Sciences Magnet School.

Our journey first began by looking up the Yahoo web engine. When we came to the site we saw, the information on Princess Diana. We would like to express our admiration and our sympathy.

Maykoyous says, " She was a great princess."

Another student, Marie says, "She was a very nice person."

Ballard thought it was cool to be married to a prince at one time.

Darnell thought she was very pretty. "Beautiful !"

We are so sorry that she is gone from the world. She did so much for children.

With sympathy, 6th grade class Vine Middle Performing Arts and Sciences Magnet School Knoxville, Tennessee, USA

. So many people want to make a difference; Diana did. The world will not be the same without her.

I, as many, feel a real personal loss from her death. Perhaps it was because she was the one member of the Royal Family that people felt that they could relate to. She was a beautiful, caring, unique woman who loved everybody and in return, everybody loved her. I just hope that she realised that.

You do not realise what you have until it is gone. I hope that now certain people will recognise her true worth and exactly how much the world loved her. Diana was the People’s Princess and for that reason she will be dearly missed. I will never forget her.

A.Hawksworth, Staffordshire,ENGLAND.

. I am an American and have no high regard for the British monarchy, with the exception of Princess Diana. She appeared to be a wonderful mother who delighted in her children and place them on the highest of pedestals.

She was also a wonderful ambassador of good will, spreading love throughout the world and giving freely of that love to whomever she met.

My sympathies go out to her sons, her sisters and her brother. How sad for them.

. The Princess of Wales was a wonderful human being and though she now cannot guide her sons from earth, she can give them guidance from afar. I believe she instilled a proper upbringing in her sons that will not disappear, in spite of how royalty try to steer their future.

God Bless Diana!

. Diana was a beautiful and compassionate human being. I will miss her presence in this world very much. She was a shining example to her fellow human beings. May god bless her sons who must continue to grow without her, they have lost a precious Mother.

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