Your ThoughtsSincerest condolences to Princess Diana's sons, who have lost a marvellous mother, and one of the most popular figures in modern history. She will be missed by all and never forgotten. Sorrowfully yours. Mike Middleton It came as a shock, and I still am in a shock! My feelings go out to all the people that have lost a great woman of our planet. I think I don't have to say anything more! Bye, Diana, Goodbye. Erwin van der Linde, The Netherlands In my family we have all been deeply impressed by the death of sweet Princess Diana. She was a wonderful woman full of kindness and humanity, deeply devoted to the cause of less fortunate people as few other people have been. We are all going to miss her very much! Diana, sleep in peace. Ciao! Giancarlo & Laura Palmieri, Arcore, Italy I have tried to make some sense of this. How could Diana be taken from her children at this stage of their lives? The best I can think of is that maybe she had something to do in Heaven to protect them that she couldn't do here. Greg Hartwig, Dallas, Texas, USA We are deeply saddened with the loss of Princess Diana. Her family will be in our prayers. She is the Queen of Hearts, the Queen of the People, the Queen of the World and she will remain the Queen forever. She is irreplaceable. Janet Patula, Lynwood, California Diana In a world with too many celebrities and too few heroes, you have been an angel, a bright and inspiring light of beauty and grace. You've given us all joy and hope. Thank you for taking us by the hand and leading us to places and people and causes in the world who needed help. Thank you for shining a light on the value of a few kind words and gentle touches. You have made us all look into our own hearts and see how we can carry on the compassion and kindness you have given to millions. Thank you, God bless you, and though we grieve your passing from this world, you will bring a beautiful legacy to the next. Paula Akbar, Bethesda, MD My heart has been so sad and heavy since the news of the Princess' death. I never realised the impact she had made on my life as well as the rest of the world's. The only thing that has given this sadness a ray of hope is the thought of how, literally, every person's heart in this whole entire world has united and become one - albeit a broken one - to mourn the loss of such a remarkable Lady. My thoughts are with her sons and family and with the family of the gentleman that brought her happiness at last, Dodi Al Fayed. God bless you. Debi Jones and family, Texas, USA My deepest condolences to both the Princes. Your mother was loved very much by millions all over the world. She was a very beautiful and classy lady. She also had a lot of love for those less fortunate than her. You two boys will also be embraced by the world. It may not bring your mother back but no matter where you go there will always be open arms for both of you. We will always remember how radiant she was in life. You both can keep the light shining. I hope you boys will continue to support the causes that your mother believed in. She was truly a humanitarian. She will always be the "People's Princess" to all of us. Carla Dziwenka, Edmonton, Canada I am deeply saddened by her loss. I am speechless. I am flying the British flag at my home here in San Diego, California, in her memory. With much love. Chuck We have not seen you bodily, have not been familiar with your personal life, it seems your sudden death has brought you too close to be our friend. As a citizen of a third world country, we were also touched by your humanity, your glamour and the ability to touch people�s hearts. It was like a fairy-tale in real life. Now you are gone; the fairytale ends. Sweet dreams; we'll miss you. Tithi, Jishnu, Rupam, Shovon, Nirupam. Dhaka, Bangladesh. Our Di accomplished more in her short lifetime than I could ever hope to accomplish if I had fifty lifetimes and fifty times the publicity that she had. Her death has brought a much needed unity to people separated by cultures, political opinions and religious persuasions. This for me is the one significant and lasting gift that she could leave us. In the mourning may the sense of unity become even stronger. As a result we may then see many of her hopes and dreams for the common citizens of the world fulfilled. I'll miss you kiddo! Jen, Sydney It's sad that you have passed on, Princess Diana, but your deeds and warmth that you so abundantly gave to all will always be remembered. HS Neoh, Malaysia Diana, you touched our lives in a special way. We will miss you ! Rest in peace !!! Intermediate Technology Development Group, Sri Lanka It seemed difficult to accept the fact that Princess Diana has died. My heart goes out to Prince William and Prince Harry for the loss of their mother at so young an age. My family's condolence to the Royal family and the Spencer family for this tragic and irreparable loss. May you all be comforted in the overwhelming outpouring of love and affection to the Princess as evidenced these recent days. Princess Diana has touched the lives of many all over the world, she truly is the people's princess, not only belonging to Britain, but also to the whole world. May she rest in peace. More reaction...
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