Whitney turned away from crime by discovering boxing

21-year-old Whitney says a difficult upbringing led her to become involved in crime, and she began drug-dealing, carrying a knife to protect herself.

On the inside, she says she saw women 'come in, go out and come in again' in a cycle of repeat offending.

Women serving shorter prison sentences have a reoffending rate of 70%, according to the Prison Reform Trust. But Whitney was determined not to go back to crime after leaving prison, and discovered boxing as a way to 'channel my energy somewhere else'.

"When it comes women with convictions, they're pushed to 'conventional jobs', like hairdressing," Whitney says. "I don't think we push women enough out of their comfort zones."

Listen to Whitney's story in full on BBC Radio 4's Positive Thinking: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000cpzr

Produced, filmed and edited by: Eleanor Layhe

Additional filming: Kathryn Parker

Executive Producer: Kimberley Rowell

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