Action urged on mobile notspots
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The Communications Consumer Panel estimates 1,400 base stations need to be built in rural areas
The upcoming 4G mobile auction should be used as an opportunity to upgrade the UK's mobile infrastructure, says an advisory group.
The Communications Consumer Panel said regulator Ofcom should oblige operators to extend services to rural areas.
It also suggested the money made by selling off the airwaves could be used to upgrade rural coverage.
It estimates that three million people live in mobile "not-spots".
The panel said it did not believe that new 4G services would extend beyond existing coverage.
4G is the next-generation for mobile services, offering faster speeds, crucial as more people use smartphones to surf the web.
The panel is suggesting that Ofcom run a "reverse auction" after the initial sell-off, in which operators can bid for money to extend their services in rural areas.
Valuable spectrum
The 4G auctions begin next year with services likely to start rolling out from 2013.
There is a great deal of interest in the spectrum - which has been freed because of the switch to digital TV - as it operates in the low frequency 800MHz band.
This spectrum will be particularly good at penetrating buildings and will allow operators to offer better in-building coverage which is becoming an increasing problem as people use their smartphones at home.
The money freed up by the 4G auctions must be ploughed back into notspots, said the panel.
- You will need an Android handset
- Download the app below or from Android Marketplace
- Once downloaded, data will be collected without you having to do anything more
- If you wish to see what coverage is like in a particular place, simply click on the app
- The app is free to download
- It uses very little bandwidth
- The data is anonymised and neither Epitiro nor the BBC will collate or store any personal data
UK 3G Survey
We would like to offer you an opportunity to be part of a BBC project to obtain a snapshot of mobile broadband coverage in the UK("the BBC Survey"). This offer is subject to you agreeing to the following terms:-
1. In relation to the terms of this engagement, and unless the context requires otherwise:
capitalised words and phrases shall have the meaning defined herein;
references to "you" or "your" shall be construed as references to you as the user of the App and as a participant in the BBC Survey; and
references to "we", "us" or "our" shall be construed as references to the British Broadcasting Corporation ("BBC").
In order to be part of the BBC Survey, you will need to download the free UK 3G Survey app ("the App") which has been developed by Epitiro. Please note that the App only works on android-based handsets. Please DO NOT use this App with either a Blackberry or an iPhone.2. You acknowledge that whilst this is a BBC Survey, the App belongs to a third party which is not in anyway connected to the BBC. The BBC does not endorse the App in anyway whatsoever.
3. The App is provided "as is", and on an "as available" basis and we make no representations or warranties either express, implied or statutory (to the extent permitted by applicable law) in relation to the App. Nothing in these terms of engagement shall exclude any liability for death or personal injury.
4. We do not warrant that the functions contained in the App will be error-free, that defects will be corrected by Epitiro as the provider of the App or that any software within the App will be free of bugs and viruses.
5. The supply and availability of the App on this website does not in anyway obviate the need for you to carry out your own research as to the suitability of the App for your mobile phone device.
6. The use of the App is entirely at your own risk and under no circumstances will we be liable to you or any third party for any of the following losses or damage (whether such losses or damage were foreseen, foreseeable, known or otherwise):
- (i) loss of data;
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- (vi) any direct or indirect, incidental, consequential, special or exemplary damages arising from your use of the App.
7. We understand from Epitiro that they will not publish any personal information or collate any personal information from your use of the App. However, the underlying data will remain the property of Epitiro who may create their own map/site afterwards.
8. We understand from Epitiro (but have not made any enquiries or carried out any research in relation to this) that the App uses very little bandwidth as it reports on data already present on the phone through its normal background communications within the network. For this particular App, Epitiro does not require dedicated use of the line other than to periodically send the test results to the BBC.
9. Whilst data for the Survey will be collected while the App is installed, the App can be uninstalled by you at anytime.
I have read and understand the terms
It estimates that the UK needs an extra 1,400 base stations to improve rural coverage.
"This is a critical moment, and we have a unique opportunity to resolve the persistent problem of inadequate mobile coverage," said panel chair Bob Warner.
"Most places that were mobile coverage notspots 10 years ago are still notspots today, and the spectrum auction represents perhaps the only chance we have in the next decade to improve coverage in the nations and for rural communities," he added.
The BBC is conducting its own survey into notspots using an app developed by network analysis firm Epitiro.
Ofcom has said that mobile coverage is one of its priorities and is conducting its own research into the problem.
One of the biggest blackspots for mobile coverage is on rail networks.
Research conducted for Ofcom last year found that on the East Coast mainline the probability of maintaining a 15 minute phone call was as low as 10% for two operators.
- Published18 July 2011
- Published6 April 2011