E3: Video game highlights at the Los Angeles show
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Mirror's Edge 2 is driven by EA's new Frostbite 3 engine. Its developer, Dice, says it will be released “when it’s ready".

Ryse: Son of Rome was originally intended as a Xbox 360 title but will now be one of the launch titles for the Xbox One.

Dragon Age: Inquisition, the latest in the long running role-playing series, is not due out until the end of 2014.

Ubisoft's latest Tom Clancy's offering - The Division - is a massively multiplayer online (MMO) role-playing game, which is a first for the series.

Racing title Forza Motorsport 5 will be released on the Xbox One on the day of its launch. The series is now in its eighth year.

Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag is the sixth instalment in the series and the sequel to Assassin's Creed III, which was released in 2012.

Minecraft for the Xbox One may look similar to other versions, but the title has been developed by Scottish firm 4J Studios, rather than Swedish developer Mojang.

Need for Speed: Rivals, for the Xbox One, is the 20th instalment in the series.

Rayman Legends is the fifth title in the series and, unlike many of the games on show at E3, has been developed for existing consoles, the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.

Bungie's sci-fi shooter Destiny involves gameplay set on Earth, Mars and Venus. The developer is hoping to repeat the success it had with its Halo titles.

Sony says its superhero sequel Infamous: Second Son will be released as a PlayStation 4-exclusive title before March 2014.

Ubisoft revealed more footage from Watch Dogs, an upcoming game which features a character who hacks into smart city systems to take down a human trafficking ring.

Bethesda revealed that its fantasy game Elder Scrolls Online will be coming to Sony and Microsoft's next-generation consoles early next year in addition to PCs and Macs.

Developer Avalanche revealed it is working on Mad Max, a video game based on the movie trilogy starring Mel Gibson. It will be released on the Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3 and PS4.

E3 provided the first look at Titanfall, a futuristic multiplayer shooter which allows gamers to take control of an armoured robot suit. It is being released for the Xbox One, Xbox 360 and PC.