The Brexit Party outspent the Conservatives and Labour during controversial 2019 poll, figures show.
Read moreEuropean elections 2019
The projected results for the new European Parliament show significant losses for the two main groups, the centre-right European People’s Party and the centre-left Socialists and Democrats.
They remain the largest groups but have lost their traditional majority in the European Parliament.
The Greens and Liberal groups have made gains, as well as the right-wing nationalist and populist groups.
The results for individual countries below are a mixture of projected and official figures, and are subject to change as more results are declared. Parties may also change which European party group they belong to.
Results in maps and charts
How the story unfolded
Detailed results from the UK
European Parliament results
- Centre-right (EPP)
- Total
- Change
- MEPs:
- 179
- − 42
- Vote share :
- 22.2%
- − 4.5
- Socialists and Democrats (S&D)
- Total
- Change
- MEPs:
- 153
- − 38
- Vote share :
- 20.4%
- − 6.5
- Liberals (ALDE)
- Total
- Change
- MEPs:
- 106
- + 39
- Vote share :
- 13.0%
- + 4.1
- Greens (EFA)
- Total
- Change
- MEPs:
- 75
- + 25
- Vote share :
- 10.8%
- + 3.1
- Conservatives (ECR)
- Total
- Change
- MEPs:
- 64
- − 6
- Vote share :
- 7.7%
- − 0.4
- Right-wing nationalists (ENF)
- Total
- Change
- MEPs:
- 58
- + 58
- Vote share :
- 8.7%
- + 8.7
- Populists (EFD)
- Total
- Change
- MEPs:
- 54
- + 6
- Vote share :
- 7.9%
- + 0.7
- Left (GUE/NGL)
- Total
- Change
- MEPs:
- 38
- − 14
- Vote share :
- 5.4%
- − 2.6
- Others
- Total
- Change
- MEPs:
- 15
- + 15
- Vote share :
- 3.0%
- + 3.0
- Independents (NI)
- Total
- Change
- MEPs:
- 9
- − 43
- Vote share :
- 1.0%
- − 5.7
Country Results
Austria MEPs: 18
- EPP 7 +2
- S&D 5 +0
- ENF 3 +3
- EFA 2 −1
- ALDE 1 +0
- ECR 0 +0
- EFD 0 +0
- GUE/NGL 0 +0
- Others 0 +0
- NI 0 −4
The ruling conservative People's Party (ÖVP) won with a record 34.9%, despite a scandal that led to the collapse of its coalition government with the far right.
Turnout: 59.8%
Belgium MEPs: 21
- EPP 4 +0
- ALDE 4 −2
- ENF 3 +3
- EFA 3 +1
- ECR 3 −1
- S&D 3 −1
- GUE/NGL 1 +1
- EFD 0 +0
- Others 0 +0
- NI 0 −1
The far-right Flemish party Vlaams Belang (Flemish Interest) won three seats in the European Parliament poll, and surged to second place in the national vote for the Belgian federal parliament.
Turnout: 88.5%
Bulgaria MEPs: 17
- EPP 7 +0
- S&D 5 +1
- ALDE 3 −1
- ECR 2 +0
- EFA 0 +0
- EFD 0 +0
- ENF 0 +0
- GUE/NGL 0 +0
- Others 0 +0
- NI 0 +0
The ruling centre-right Gerb party of Prime Minister Boyko Borisov won with 30.6%, against 26% for its arch-foe, the socialist BSP.
Turnout: 30.8%
Croatia MEPs: 11
- EPP 4 −1
- S&D 3 +1
- ECR 1 +0
- ALDE 1 −1
- EFD 0 +0
- ENF 0 +0
- GUE/NGL 0 +0
- EFA 0 −1
- Others 2 +2
- NI 0 +0
The governing nationalist HDZ won four seats - two less than expected - so it tied with the opposition centre-left SDP, which also won four seats.
Turnout: 29.9%
Cyprus MEPs: 6
- EPP 2 +0
- GUE/NGL 2 +0
- S&D 2 +0
- ALDE 0 +0
- ECR 0 +0
- EFA 0 +0
- EFD 0 +0
- ENF 0 +0
- Others 0 +0
- NI 0 +0
There was little change politically - the conservatives won narrowly, the ruling DISY taking two seats with 29%, followed by socialist AKEL on 27.5% and two seats.
Turnout: 45.0%
Czech Republic MEPs: 21
- ALDE 6 +2
- EPP 5 −2
- ECR 4 +2
- ENF 2 +2
- GUE/NGL 1 −2
- EFA 0 +0
- EFD 0 −1
- S&D 0 −4
- Others 3 +3
- NI 0 +0
Prime Minister Andrej Babis won a convincing victory for his liberal ANO party, which now sends six MEPs to Brussels. The conservative Civic Democrats (in the ECR bloc) came second, winning four seats.
Turnout: 28.7%
Denmark MEPs: 13
- ALDE 5 +2
- S&D 3 +0
- EFA 2 +1
- EPP 1 +0
- GUE/NGL 1 +0
- ECR 1 −3
- EFD 0 +0
- ENF 0 +0
- Others 0 +0
- NI 0 +0
The far-right Danish People's Party (DF) lost around two-thirds of their votes, coming fourth. Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen's Venstre Liberal Party overtook DF to become the biggest Danish party in Europe, taking 23.5%.
Turnout: 66.0%
Estonia MEPs: 6
- ALDE 3 +0
- S&D 2 +1
- ECR 0 +0
- EFD 0 +0
- ENF 0 +0
- GUE/NGL 0 +0
- EFA 0 −1
- EPP 0 −1
- Others 1 +1
- NI 0 +0
Estonia's liberal Reform party won with 25.5%, followed by the Social Democratic Party with 23.3%. Each got two MEPs, while Prime Minister Juri Ratas' Centre Party and the far-right Conservative People's Party of Estonia (EKRE) got one each.
Turnout: 37.6%
Finland MEPs: 13
- EPP 3 +0
- ALDE 3 −1
- EFA 2 +1
- ECR 2 +0
- S&D 2 +0
- GUE/NGL 1 +0
- EFD 0 +0
- ENF 0 +0
- Others 0 +0
- NI 0 +0
The Finnish Green party (VIHR) won a record 16%, coming second behind the centre-right National Coalition Party. The far-right Finns increased their vote share and retained their two seats.
Turnout: 40.7%
France MEPs: 74
- ENF 22 +22
- ALDE 21 +14
- EFA 12 +6
- EPP 8 −12
- GUE/NGL 6 +2
- S&D 5 −8
- ECR 0 +0
- EFD 0 −1
- Others 0 +0
- NI 0 −23
The far-right National Rally led by Marine Le Pen came top with 23.3%, narrowly beating President Emmanuel Macron's liberal alliance.
Turnout: 50.1%
Germany MEPs: 96
- EPP 29 −5
- EFA 22 +9
- S&D 16 −11
- EFD 11 +11
- ALDE 7 +3
- GUE/NGL 5 −3
- ENF 0 +0
- ECR 0 −8
- Others 4 +4
- NI 2 +0
The Greens came second with 20.5%, while the Social Democrats dropped to 15.8%. Chancellor Angela Merkel's Christian Democrats still won, but haemorrhaged support. The far-right AfD did worse than many expected, winning 11%.
Turnout: 61.4%
Greece MEPs: 21
- EPP 8 +3
- GUE/NGL 6 +0
- S&D 2 −2
- ALDE 0 +0
- EFA 0 +0
- EFD 0 +0
- ENF 0 +0
- ECR 0 −1
- Others 1 +1
- NI 4 −1
It's been a bad night for Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras's left-wing Syriza party which has been well beaten by opposition conservative New Democracy party.
Turnout: 58.5%
Hungary MEPs: 21
- EPP 13 +1
- S&D 5 +1
- ALDE 2 +2
- ECR 0 +0
- EFD 0 +0
- ENF 0 +0
- GUE/NGL 0 +0
- EFA 0 −2
- Others 0 +0
- NI 1 −2
It was another night of election success for Prime Minister Viktor Orban, whose Fidesz party is for the moment a suspended member of the centre-right EPP group.
Turnout: 43.4%
Ireland MEPs: 11
- EPP 5 +1
- EFA 2 +2
- GUE/NGL 2 −2
- EFD 0 +0
- ENF 0 +0
- ALDE 0 −1
- ECR 0 −1
- S&D 0 −1
- Others 2 +2
- NI 0 +0
The centre-right Fine Gael party of Prime Minister Leo Varadkar scored a big victory, exit polls suggest. But Ireland's electoral system means the results will take some time to come through.
Turnout: 49.7%
Italy MEPs: 73
- ENF 28 +28
- S&D 19 −12
- EFD 14 −3
- EPP 7 −10
- ECR 5 +5
- ALDE 0 +0
- EFA 0 +0
- GUE/NGL 0 −3
- Others 0 +0
- NI 0 −5
It was an historic win for the right-wing, anti-immigration League of Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini. His party got 34.3%. But the centre-left Democratic Party (PD) surprised many by coming second with nearly 23%.
Turnout: 54.5%
Latvia MEPs: 8
- ECR 2 +1
- S&D 2 +1
- EPP 2 −2
- EFA 1 +0
- ALDE 0 +0
- ENF 0 +0
- GUE/NGL 0 +0
- EFD 0 −1
- Others 1 +1
- NI 0 +0
New Unity, the ruling centre-right party topped the poll with 26.4% and took two seats.
The left-wing Harmony party and right-wing National Alliance also gained two MEPs each, with 17.45% and 16.4% respectively.
The Latvian Russian Union and liberal pro-EU Development/For! won one seat each.Turnout: 33.6%
Lithuania MEPs: 11
- EPP 3 +1
- EFA 2 +1
- S&D 2 +0
- ALDE 2 −1
- ECR 1 +0
- ENF 0 +0
- GUE/NGL 0 +0
- EFD 0 −2
- Others 1 +1
- NI 0 +0
The Homeland Union-Lithuanian Christian Democrats came out on top with 19.7% - translating to three seats.
The Social Democratic Party (LSDP) and the Lithuanian Farmers and Greens Union (LVZS) followed behind with two seats each.Turnout: 53.1%
Luxembourg MEPs: 6
- ALDE 2 +1
- EPP 2 −1
- EFA 1 +0
- S&D 1 +0
- ECR 0 +0
- EFD 0 +0
- ENF 0 +0
- GUE/NGL 0 +0
- Others 0 +0
- NI 0 +0
The Christian Social People's Party ceded one seat to Luxembourg's Democratic Party - who edged them as the national winners by only 0.3% of the vote. Each party took two seats.
The Greens and the Socialist Workers' Party each kept a single MEP .Turnout: 84.1%
Malta MEPs: 6
- S&D 4 +1
- EPP 2 −1
- ALDE 0 +0
- ECR 0 +0
- EFA 0 +0
- EFD 0 +0
- ENF 0 +0
- GUE/NGL 0 +0
- Others 0 +0
- NI 0 +0
It was a good night for Prime Minister Joseph Muscat's Labour Party, which won four of Malta's six European parliament seats - gaining one seat and increasing its vote share compared with the 2014 elections.
The opposition Nationalist party saw its vote share dip but took the country's remaining two seats.Turnout: 72.7%
Netherlands MEPs: 26
- S&D 6 +3
- ALDE 6 −1
- ECR 5 +3
- EPP 4 −1
- EFA 3 +1
- GUE/NGL 1 −2
- EFD 0 +0
- ENF 0 +0
- Others 1 +1
- NI 0 −4
The Dutch Labour party (PvdA) won with 19% of the vote - a dramatic, unexpected comeback for the centre-left. The liberal VVD of Prime Minister Mark Rutte got 14.6%.
Turnout: 41.9%
Poland MEPs: 51
- ECR 26 +7
- EPP 17 −6
- S&D 8 +3
- ALDE 0 +0
- EFA 0 +0
- EFD 0 +0
- ENF 0 +0
- GUE/NGL 0 +0
- Others 0 +0
- NI 0 −4
The ruling conservative, anti-immigration Law and Justice (PiS) party came top with 45.6%, well ahead of the pro-EU European Coalition (38%).
Turnout: 45.7%
Portugal MEPs: 21
- S&D 9 +1
- EPP 7 +0
- GUE/NGL 4 +0
- EFA 1 +1
- ECR 0 +0
- EFD 0 +0
- ENF 0 +0
- ALDE 0 −2
- Others 0 +0
- NI 0 +0
The centre-left Socialist Party (PS) won with 33.4%. The centre-right PSD came second with 22% and remarkably the new green party PAN won a seat for the first time.
Turnout: 31.4%
Romania MEPs: 32
- EPP 14 −1
- S&D 9 −7
- ALDE 8 +7
- ECR 1 +1
- EFA 0 +0
- EFD 0 +0
- ENF 0 +0
- GUE/NGL 0 +0
- Others 0 +0
- NI 0 +0
The ruling Social Democrats (PSD) - blamed by the European Commission for sluggish progress in tackling corruption - slumped to second place, with 23.4%. The centre-right PNL came top with 26.8%.
Turnout: 51.1%
Slovakia MEPs: 13
- ECR 3 +1
- S&D 3 −1
- EPP 3 −3
- ALDE 2 +1
- EFA 0 +0
- EFD 0 +0
- ENF 0 +0
- GUE/NGL 0 +0
- Others 2 +2
- NI 0 +0
A new coalition of pro-EU parties won with 20%, so it will send four MEPs to Brussels: two liberals and two centre-right MEPs. Three seats go to the ruling leftist Smer party, which got 15.7%.
Turnout: 22.7%
Slovenia MEPs: 8
- EPP 4 −1
- ALDE 2 +1
- S&D 2 +1
- ECR 0 +0
- EFD 0 +0
- ENF 0 +0
- GUE/NGL 0 +0
- EFA 0 −1
- Others 0 +0
- NI 0 +0
An opposition coalition of two anti-immigrant parties - Slovenian Democratic Party (SDS) and conservative agrarian Slovenian People's Party (SLS) - won with more than 26.4% of the vote, translating to three seats.
The coalition government's centre-left Social Democrats and Populist List of Marjan Sarec (LMS) got two MEPs each.Turnout: 28.3%
Spain MEPs: 54
- S&D 20 +6
- EPP 12 −5
- ALDE 8 +0
- GUE/NGL 6 −5
- EFA 3 −1
- ECR 0 +0
- EFD 0 +0
- ENF 0 +0
- Others 5 +5
- NI 0 +0
It was a convincing win for the ruling Socialists of Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, who took 32.8%. The conservative Popular Party was second with 20%. For the first time a Spanish far-right party, Vox, was elected to Brussels, with three seats.
Turnout: 64.3%
Sweden MEPs: 20
- EPP 6 +2
- S&D 5 −1
- ECR 3 +3
- ALDE 3 +0
- EFA 2 −2
- GUE/NGL 1 +0
- ENF 0 +0
- EFD 0 −2
- Others 0 +0
- NI 0 +0
The ruling centre-left Social Democrats won safely with 23.6%. The liberal-conservative Moderates were second, with 16.8%. On the far-right, the anti-immigration Sweden Democrats came third, winning three seats.
Turnout: 54.7%
United Kingdom MEPs: 73
- EFD 29 +5
- ALDE 17 +16
- EFA 11 +5
- S&D 10 −10
- ECR 4 −16
- GUE/NGL 1 +0
- ENF 0 +0
- EPP 0 +0
- Others 0 +0
- NI 1 +0
This shows which groups the British parties will sit in in Europe. Detailed UK results here
Turnout: 36.9%
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