Online abuse
- Attribution
- Posted3 days ago
It Can't Just Be Me. Confronting Abuse with Sharon Gaffka. Audio, 42 minutes
Sharon shares with Anna how online abuse had a huge impact on her life.
- AttributionBBC Sounds
- Available for over a year
- Attribution
- Posted5 December
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- Posted28 November
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- Posted25 November
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- Posted24 November
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- Posted11 November
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- Posted27 October
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- Posted26 October
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- Posted17 October
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- Posted14 October
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- Posted7 October
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- Posted29 September
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- Posted27 September
When It Hits the Fan. Quick Wins: How to Deal with Online Abuse. Audio, 7 minutes
David and Simon share their advice on how to deal with online abuse.
- AttributionBBC Radio 4
- Available for over a year
What in the World. How the search for Miss South Africa turned ugly. Audio, 12 minutes
One contestant in this year's beauty pageant has faced backlash over her heritage
- AttributionBBC World Service
- Available for over a year
- Attribution
- Posted30 July
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- Posted21 July
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- Posted11 July
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- Posted11 July
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- Posted10 July
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- Posted10 July
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- Posted10 July