British cinema
- Attribution
- Posted14 December
Bill Douglas: My Best Friend. Video, 76 minutes
The films and friendship of director Bill Douglas and collaborator Peter Jewell.
- AttributionBBC Scotland
- Available for over a year
- Attribution
- Posted17 November
- Attribution
- Posted9 November
- Attribution
- Posted15 October
- Attribution
- Posted27 September
- Attribution
- Posted25 September
- Attribution
- Posted4 September
- Attribution
- Posted28 August
- Attribution
- Posted13 August
- Attribution
- Posted20 July
- Attribution
- Posted19 July
Drama on 4. Casting Shadows. Audio, 44 minutes
A light-hearted drama-documentary about the astonishing Brighton and Hove Film Pioneers.
- AttributionBBC Radio 4
- Available for over a year
- Attribution
- Posted26 June
- Attribution
- Posted20 June
- Attribution
- Posted18 June
- Attribution
- Posted5 June
- Attribution
- Posted28 May
- Attribution
- Posted24 May
- Attribution
- Posted16 May
- Attribution
- Posted14 May
- Attribution
- Posted7 May
- Attribution
- Posted29 April
- Attribution
- Posted17 April