Viktor Orban
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- Posted2 days ago
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- Posted7 November
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- Posted6 November
HARDtalk. Balázs Orbán: Has Hungary's government created a template for far-right movements? Audio, 23 minutes
Stephen Sackur speaks to Balázs Orbán, a Hungarian MP and advisor to Viktor Orbán
- AttributionBBC World Service
- Available for over a year
The Global Story. Viktor Orban: The man Trump calls 'a great leader' Audio, 26 minutes
Hungary’s PM has become a hero to many US conservatives
- AttributionBBC World Service
- Available for over a year
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- Posted23 July
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- Posted16 July
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- Posted13 July
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- Posted11 July
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- Posted5 July
The Inquiry. What will a Hungarian presidency mean for the EU? Audio, 23 minutes
Hungary to hold the presidency of the Council of the European Union for six months
- AttributionBBC World Service
- Available for over a year
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- Posted3 July
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- Posted20 June
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- Posted4 June
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- Posted27 April
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- Posted11 March
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- Posted17 February
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- Posted14 February
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- Posted13 February
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- Posted10 February
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- Posted1 February
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- Posted1 February
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- Posted17 January