Olympic 2012 tickets: Your comments

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Artist's impression of Olympic Park. Photo: Olympic Park Legacy Company/PA

Ticket prices for events at the 2012 London Olympic Games have been announced.

The most expensive seats for the opening ceremony will cost £2,012, to match the year of the Games, but the majority will be less than £100.

Of the 8.8 million tickets available, 75% will be sold to the public from March 2011.

BBC News website readers have been sending in their thoughts.

Your comments

I would pay these prices - it is a one-time opportunity. Being an ex-athlete I can appreciate all the hard work that the athletes and the government have done to bring these games here. I am so proud to be British. Now let's all get behind it. Elaine Oxton-Morris, Nuneaton

They have to charge as much as they possibly can to try and recover the horrendous cost of staging the Olympics. When we put the bid in the projected cost was about £3b. The reality of winning the bid brought the focus on detail and now it's £9b. For an event that will run for two weeks and in a dodgy climate it's absolutely stupid. Alan Thompson, Coventry, West Midlands

I think the Get Set programme [where pupils have to achieve a goal or do something to earn a ticket] is a great idea, and I am pleased that the tickets haven't been hijacked by corporates, giving everyone a chance to view the Games. Sounds like a good, fair system. Mike Solomon, Liverpool

I think the prices are too high. Sport is to be enjoyed by the masses and having to pay £50 to go and see a final is way over-priced. I for one will not be going down to London. I will watch it on TV and see a lot more coverage. Sue Dring, Deeside, Flintshire

I have registered an interest in watching the diving. I haven't attended an Olympic Games previously so have no yardstick to measure the cost. The ticket prices seem a bit steep to me but then this is a once-in-a-lifetime event for many people, so I suppose one would pay up regardless. I hope the Games are a great success, anyway. Rob, Chichester

So we know the event ticket prices but will there be any combined tickets for rail/tube/bus and events sold as a package and at a reasonable cost? If so more people would travel from outside London. Terry Scott, Crawley, West Sussex

It looks expensive on first register but for an event that's only likely to come to the UK every 75 years or so it's not too bad, especially given all the seemingly sensible provisions for ensuring children both get to go and are incentivised into sport. But it would quickly add up for an enthusiast who wanted to attend a number of events, so some kind of standby reduced-price system would be sensible. Jonny Rathbone, Stockport

There are a few events I'd really like to take my son to. But, let's face it, for myself, my wife and son to go to prelims through to finals for the boxing, it would cost £1,200 for mid-range seats, plus travel and accommodation. No matter that it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, I am not in a position to remortgage the house to do it - and I don't know anyone else who is either. Besides, I have two Mastercards and a Maestro, so I can't go, thanks to it being Visa-only for payment. Mike, Sheffield

I would be keen to buy a ticket for the athletics in the £20 to £60 price range but would go no higher because of the costs of travelling to the venue on top. That would make the overall cost of being there too expensive for me. Debbie Anderson, Swindon, Wiltshire

Overseas reaction

I really would like to see the eventing. Fifty-five pounds seems like a fair price to me, compared with the cost of other comparable three and four-star events. If I am going I will certainly buy admission for the eventing. Rob, Nieuw Vennep, Netherlands

Lower-end prices would seem fair, but upper-end prices for the opening and closing ceremonies are, to my mind, a complete rip off aimed solely at the corporate market and thus denying places for the general public. It would be interesting to see the number and price allocations. I would not mind betting that the number of high-priced tickets far outnumber the lower-priced tickets. Dermot Bolger, Theil Rabier, France

I wonder how many of the tickets will be at the lower end? Probably very few. I expect events like the cycling will be massively oversubscribed. I hope any ballot will be transparent. There are always plenty of empty seats where these so-called VIPs have space set aside for them, robbing the genuine fans of a place. Chris, Perth, Australia

I would love to go and watch the Olympics in London with my family. Vikas Chopra, Gurgaon, India

Are they joking? Do they have any idea how people live? Absurd prices! David Wallace, Toledo, Spain

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