Your royal wedding questions answered

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Many of you have been sending in questions about the royal wedding, which is now just over a week away.

I've answered a few in the video above and in the text below.

You can keep in touch on Twitter via @BBCPeterHunt, external or @BBC_HaveYourSay, external - we will be using the hashtag #BBCWedding which should make it easier for you to follow relevant tweets from various BBC accounts.

Sharon Hamilton, Ontario, Canada: Will people be able to see the royal wedding online on the BBC?

Sharon, this is a question lots of people have been asking around the world. BBC World television will be reporting on events on 29 April from 0700 GMT to 1800 GMT and televising the ceremony and celebrations between 0830 GMT and 1400 GMT. Read the full details of the BBC's plans. And also, for the first time, broadcast footage of the wedding will be streamed live on The Royal Channel on YouTube., external

Gwenn Ferguson, Green Bay, Wisconsin, US: What is the history behind having a morning wedding?

There are two factors which seem to have contributed to this. The first is that it's easier for the dozens of horses who will accompany Prince William and Kate Middleton back to Buckingham Palace after the wedding if the ceremonial procession takes place in the morning. Secondly, in the past the newly-wed royals used to go off on honeymoon in the afternoon, after the wedding breakfast. William and Kate, of course, will be hanging around and letting their hair down at the evening dinner and dance.

Update: Someone has very helpfully e-mailed with an historical perspective. Our correspondent argues that weddings were held in the mornings because when Britain was a Roman Catholic country a Nuptial Mass would have been part of the service. This would have meant guests couldn't eat beforehand and so the earlier the cermony, the sooner you could have food.

Colin Easom, Tucson, Arizona, US: Who will be making the wedding cake and what kind of decoration can we expect?

Its creator, Fiona Cairns, has been toiling ever since she received the commission two months ago. She's creating a multi-tiered traditional fruit cake. But that's not all. When Kate Middleton met Fiona she brought with her what the cake designer calls "mood boards" and she told her what "influences" she would like on the cake. It will feature flowers - the English rose, Scottish thistle, Welsh daffodil and Irish shamrock - and other adornments.

Brett Maloouf, Alice Springs, Australia: Will mobile phones be confiscated or jammed before the ceremony? Are there any protests planned and how will security deal with them?

There is no suggestion the authorities will take down the mobile network around Westminster Abbey. But those attending the service have been asked not to use their phones. Some 5,000 police officers will be on duty on the day. In the words of Assistant Commissioner Lynne Owens, their most useful tactic will be "having a look around and acting quickly, robustly and decisively." The police are in discussions with two groups who want to protest on the 29th: the Muslims Against Crusades and the English Defence League.

Lauren Stewart, Kent, UK: Where do you think will be the best place for wellwishers to position themselves on the day of the wedding?

That's a difficult one! Suffice to say, the best vantage points will be snaffled up early. People are prepared to camp out for such events, sometimes for days. The route between Buckingham Palace and Westminster Abbey goes by The Mall, Horse Guards Road, Horse Guards Parade, through Horse Guards Arch, Whitehall, Parliament Square and Broad Sanctuary. Navigate your way around this interactive map, external for more information.

Beeb6413: What time do we need to be on the street to get a good view of the procession?

As I've suggested in my earlier answer, you'll have to get there early! The dedicated royal watchers think nothing of camping out on the streets of London for such events.

Jchannon: Will the royal wedding be in HD or just upscaled to BBC One HD?

It won't, as you suggest, be filmed in HD (see update below). The broadcasters, particularly SKY News, had wanted to. However, the idea was rejected by the Palace, particularly because the cameras required would be too large.

Update: Apologies! Someone has very kindly pointed out to me that I have been mixing up my 3D cameras with my HD ones. So, the correct answer is that between 0800 BST and 1600 BST on BBC One HD on 29 April the programme will be filmed with HD cameras. Just as well I'm the royal correspondent and not covering technology!

Shay Levitan: Does the royal wedding invite include a specific seat in Westminster Abbey?

Only the most senior members of the British Royal Family, the Middletons, and Princess Diana's relatives, the Spencers, will have designated seats. The vast majority of the guests including the diplomatic corp will be assigned specific areas within the Abbey. Then, rather like on a budget airline, they can take a seat of their choice.