US voters reflect on debt limit debate

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President Obama and Republican John Boehner blame each other for the deadlock over the debt crisis ahead of next week's deadline to avert a default.

Here US voters share their views on the debate over the deficit.

Kate Mulloy, Boston, Massachusetts

I can't say that I strongly agree with either the Republicans or the Democrats on tackling the deficit. I'm not convinced that this should be our primary concern.

Like most Americans, I care deeply about cutting our unemployment rate, generating jobs and our presence in the Middle East.

This whole crisis feels manufactured and driven by political motives.

Any major cuts without revenue generated from taxes will be detrimental. It frustrates me how much ground the Democrats have lost on that point.

President Obama gives great speeches, and Monday night's was no exception. But I'm frustrated that he keeps asking the public to believe that compromise is possible, given the lack of proof of any desire for this on the other side.

The prospect of further limiting social services - including Medicare and food stamps - is terrifying.

Everyone I know has been affected by the recession in one way or another. I've been fortunate to remain employed throughout the recession but I've been very careful to avoid taking on any major debt.

I don't think as far ahead these days - so many plans depend on the economy pulling through.

Mark E Lehr, Riverside, California

I have not had a raise in four years and my house is worth 50% of what I owe.

This country is taxed too much - the wealthy are already paying everyone's share. There has been no shared sacrifice at the federal level. All those in the private sector have cut back and the government has only increased its payroll.

President Obama is not taking the debt seriously. He is playing to his base. You don't reduce debt by adding taxes - you cut spending and live within your means.

We have never reduced spending. The government has just got larger and larger. We are being sold into slavery and our children will end up as indentured servants to those in Washington DC.

The cause of our problem is big government and over-regulation. This is also what caused the worldwide recession.

And those that caused the problem are the ones that are in charge to fix it. This is just a crazy world.

Steven Osborne, Irvine, Kentucky

I think that Obama's frustrations are completely justified. He sees himself being painted into a corner.

He is running the risk of being forced to choose between letting the US default on debt or let down those that voted him in, by cutting programmes that help the less fortunate.

Once forced to make such a decision, radical Republicans will have more than enough ammunition to win the 2012 presidential election.

Personally, I have been unable to find a job that could pay for my necessities and have been forced back under the financial umbrella of my father. I'm no longer able to go to school for my undergraduate degree.

I partially agree with both parties on the subject of debt reduction. Common sense would tell us that spending less would reduce any deficit of funding.

And all of those who live in the United States should do their part in reducing the overwhelming debt. The reality is that some people can do more than others, and they should be expected to.