Jimmy Savile scandal: Alleged victims' stories
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Karin Ward, interviewed in Novemebrr 2011: "I thought this was what life was about"
As the number of allegations of sexual assault against the late entertainer Jimmy Savile continue to grow, here are some of the stories of those who have come forward so far.
One by one, the number of people who allege that they suffered abuse at the hands of Jimmy Savile is rising.
Police now say that they have identified more than 200 people who may have been assaulted by the former DJ and television presenter, who died last year aged 84.
Karin Ward was one of the first to speak to the media.
However, her story remained untold for nearly a year after BBC current affairs programme Newsnight shelved its investigation into the claims against Savile.
On 3 October this year, however, ITV aired an interview with Ms Ward as part of a documentary named Exposure: The Other Side of Jimmy Savile., external
'Laughed about it'
Ms Ward, who was a pupil at Duncroft approved school for girls in Surrey, alleged that she was sexually abused by Savile during her time there.
And on occasion she recalled seeing singer Gary Glitter, now a convicted paedophile, having sexual intercourse with a girl from the school in Savile's dressing room, an allegation Glitter denies.
Police say there are now 400 lines of inquiry into sexual abuse by Jimmy Savile
Ms Ward repeated the allegations on BBC Panorama, which aired a programme about why Newsnight dropped its probe as the row over how and why this happened deepened.
She said the room was "packed" with people when the incident took place and Savile, who was present when the abuse was taking place, "laughed about it".
Ms Ward was interviewed for Newsnight on 14 November last year, at a time when she was unwell with cancer. The interview was shown for the first time on Panorama on Monday.
She told Panorama she had been angered when her interview was not aired by Newsnight: "It was hurtful, and it was difficult because I had been pushed so hard to do it when I didn't want to...
"In the end I said OK, and for all that stress, that's what made me angry, the fact that I'd gone through all that stress when I really needed to concentrate on getting well, and then they never used it - because somebody higher up didn't believe me".
Kevin Cook is another to have come forward with claims against Savile.
He alleges that as a a nine-year-old cub scout in 1976 he was abused by the entertainer at BBC Television Centre, in west London.
Mr Cook had been at the BBC's headquarters to appear on Jim'll Fix it and said he was led back to Savile's "dingy" dressing room with the promise of his own badge.
'Deeply shocked'
"That's when he put his hand on my knee and started touching me and then at the same time he grabbed my hand and forced my hand on top of his trousers," he said.
He said he was "disgusted" after watching the Panorama programme.
"I thought I couldn't feel any worse than I do but what with all the allegations that have come out I'm just deeply, deeply shocked," he said.
Former Broadmoor Hospital patient Steven George, 60, alleged that he was abused by Savile but said he felt no-one would have believed him.
Steven George, who was known as Alison Pink while at Broadmoor: "No one would have believed us - historically people in mental hospitals are never believed"
Mr George, who was known as Alison Pink while at the hospital and has since had a sex change, said Savile started visiting patients in the 1970s.
"He would come in and watch television, usually Top of the Pops... the incident where he sexually abused me happened on one of those occasions," he said.
Mr George said a sofa blocked any view of what Savile was doing, and he "shoved his hand straight up between my legs and sexually assaulted me - there was nothing I could do".
He described how he felt after the abuse.
"It was like another insult. I'm in a top security hospital and someone has got to me again. When does it stop?" he said.
Mr George, who was discharged from Broadmoor in the 1990s when he was 38, said he told the police about what had happened but they did not believe him nor did they write down anything about his allegations.
'I did protest'
One woman alleged she was raped by Savile in his caravan in a car park on BBC premises in 1970. She was 22 years old and had just won a beauty contest.
"I remember him patting the bed and saying something about a kiss and a cuddle," she said. I went and sat next to him and I remember feeling terribly anxious and nervous, although he was very chatty and it was all 'Now then, now then, come and sit here next to me', and off he went. Everything was very quick... I did protest."
'Penny' said she was raped by Savile and another employee at the BBC
Penny, not her real name, also told BBC Radio 5 Live's Tony Livesey that she was raped by another BBC employee, also on corporation premises.
She was contacted by the same BBC employee who had put her in touch with Savile and invited to attend a film - and then that man attacked her in a BBC office.
Penny said she did not speak out at the time because she thought nobody would have believed her.
She told the BBC and the police about the alleged attacks this month.