In pictures: Royal baby boy born

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Official notice being placed in the forecourt of Buckingham Palace
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The Duchess of Cambridge has given birth to a baby boy, Kensington Palace has announced. An official notice was placed on an easel at Buckingham Palace for the public to see.

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Royal press secretary Ed Perkins raced out of the hospital to hand over the medical bulletin confirming the birth.

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Crowds of people tried to get a look at the notice formally announcing the birth.

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The announcement was news around the world and was tickered in New York's Times Square.

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Marcus Setchell (centre), who led the medical team, said as he left the hospital: "Wonderful baby, beautiful baby."

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The famous fountains in London's Trafalgar Square will be lit up blue for a week to celebrate the birth.

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The duchess was taken to hospital in the early stages of labour on Monday morning. She travelled by car with her husband the Duke of Cambridge.

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Crowds including members of the public and media gathered outside St Mary's Hospital in Paddington, west London, where the duchess was in the private Lindo Wing.

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People also congregated at Buckingham Palace, where the official announcement of the birth was displayed in the forecourt.

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The Prince of Wales was on a visit to the National Railway Museum in York, where he saw a locomotive bearing the name of the father-to-be.

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Members of the media turned up in Catherine's home village of Bucklebury in Berkshire.

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Messages of support for Catherine came in many different ways. Here a royal fan displays a cake outside St Mary's.

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Photographers trained their cameras outside the hospital, not wanting to miss a shot.

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Police officers kept a watching brief outside Buckingham Palace as the summer heatwave in London and many other parts of the UK continued.

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The announcement sparked immense media interest around the world. Here a team from US news channel CNN have the palace as a backdrop to their coverage.