In pictures: Royal first birthdays

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Prince George has been pictured in an official photograph to mark his first birthday. It is the latest in a long line of such royal baby photos.

Image source, John Stillwell/PA
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Prince George is shown at the Sensational Butterflies outdoor exhibition at London's Natural History Museum. He celebrates his birthday on Tuesday

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His father, Prince William, was photographed with the Prince and Princess of Wales in the grounds of Government House in Auckland in 1983

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Two years later, in 1985, Diana, Princess of Wales, was pictured carrying Prince Harry

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Prince Charles posed for the photographer with his mother on his first birthday in 1949

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In 1951, Princess Anne was photographed in the arms of the then Princess Elizabeth, with the Duke of Edinburgh holding Prince Charles

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In this picture for her first birthday, Princess Anne was joined by Prince Charles

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Princess Anne's children with Captain Mark Phillips, Zara and Peter Phillips, were captured in this portrait in 1982

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Baby Prince Andrew was pictured with his parents and siblings in 1961

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The young Prince Edward appeared in this family snap on the Queen's 39th birthday in 1965

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The Duke and Duchess of York and King George V and Queen Mary are shown with the future Queen Elizabeth II in 1927