Housing estate 'turnaround': Your views
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One hundred of the worst housing estates in England will be demolished and rebuilt, according to the prime minister.
David Cameron will unveil details of the plans on Monday.
A total of £140m will be made available to help community groups, councils and housing associations with planning and early construction costs.
Here, people share their views on the prime minister's proposals.

The biggest barrier for demolishing old council blocks will be the Right to Buy tenants who own their ex-council houses and flats, but are leaseholders. To compulsorily purchase their flats would cost enormous amounts - especially for flats in the centre of London that are worth in excess of £500,000. Unfortunately a relatively large budget of £140 million will not go very far for this scheme. The aim of the scheme is absolutely brilliant, and pleasant surroundings go a long way to improving a community's health and well-being. It's a big problem for the government, and without planting money trees, I fail to see a solution. Jennifer Peed, London

@Dean41957 , externaltweets that people who have bought their homes should be considered in the plans:

It worries me as it could reduce the number of social housing available. Also I am concerned not enough suitable properties will be built. Houses are not the only type of home and we need to get people away from that idea. I am also concerned that there will not be a decent mix of housing. There is also a shortage of one bedroom properties which has caused a big problem with the bedroom tax. It took me a year to get a suitable one bed flat, which has now landed me in debt and I am on or even below the breadline. If this is going to work the properties in an area must end up at least the same but preferably increased. This is so important a matter it should not be party political it needs to be a cross party matter. Jay, Manchester

@peanut_thief, external argues for the availability of more homes rather than getting rid of old ones:

My estate is not too bad. I welcome any improvement in social housing. Most of the residents of my estate are decent people, with many also working. People always assume that estates are full of criminals this is not the case. Laura Mainert, Nottingham

@Amyhmphries, external asks where the prime minister will house residents when their homes are redeveloped:

My estate in Lewisham is falling apart. It's rundown. Dangerous metal sticking out of the ground, broken fencing etc drug deals, gangs using it as through run from Lewisham, people urinating in the lift, spitting, and defacing the lift. The council has left this estate to decay - it's depressing to live here. I have two children under four and one more on the way we live on the eighth floor with a dangerous balcony. Living here is not a life it's a prison sentence which we have no choice but to serve. My partner works 58 hours or more a week to pay for this. This estate isn't safe for children. Would move out today if I could. Kerry, Lewisham, London

@eyesopenershaw, external says dealing with social problems should be the primary concern:

Despite a substantial and attractive rebuild in Brixton (the old blocks were demolished) the estate still suffers from terrible social problems of violence, gangs, anti-social behaviour, poverty, poor education etc. Knocking down buildings deals with the aesthetics but doesn't tackle the underlying issues. The big one is lack of opportunities, jobs and local enterprise. In short the buildings don't need knocking down the residents need building up! Colin Crooks, London
Compiled by Andree Massiah
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