'Ask for Angela' campaign gets global attention

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Picture of Hi I'm Angela posterImage source, Twitter/@iizzzzzi

A simple code-word campaign for people feeling unsafe on a date has got global attention since a picture of this poster dotted around bars in Lincolnshire, England emerged on Twitter.

It encourages people to discreetly ask for help by going to the bar and 'Ask for Angela' - a phrase aimed at alerting bar staff to the cry for help so they can help defuse the situation.

The poster also includes a phone number for Lincolnshire Rape Crisis for anyone who needs to talk.

One of the posters was tweeted by IZ (@iizzzzzi ) and has since gone viral and retweeted more than 28,000 times.

It is the work of Lincolnshire County Council and has even caught the attention of Hollywood.

Hayley Child, who came up with the campaign, was amazed when the poster got Ashton Kutcher, external's approval.

Image source, Ashton Kutcher/Facebook

Hayley, who works as the sexual violence and abuse strategy co-ordinator for Lincolnshire, said: "Angela was a play on the word (guardian) Angel. The posters are up in male and female toilets, and provide reassurance there is support available if needed."

Many people have expressed their support for idea and called for it to be rolled out nationwide.

Image source, @alicehockey
Image source, Janice Mills
Image source, ChildFreeAndLovingIt

Others had mixed feelings about the 'Ask for Angela' Campaign.

Image source, @Forest_Grump

Produced by Nana Prempeh, UGC and Social News team