Thousands march on Parliament in anti-government protest

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Protesters listened to speeches from politicians and activists in Parliament Square

Thousands of people gathered in central London to demonstrate against the UK government's economic policies.

The protest was organised by a group called the People's Assembly Against Austerity.

Demonstrators met outside BBC Broadcasting House in Portland Place, before marching past Downing Street and on to Parliament Square.

The Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn was among the speakers who addressed crowds at The Not One Day More protest.

Speaking in Parliament Square, Mr Corbyn said: "The Tories are in retreat, austerity is in retreat, the economic arguments of austerity are in retreat.

"It's those of social justice, of unity, of people coming together to oppose racism and all those that would divide us, that are the ones that are moving forward."

Image source, PA

The crowd chanted "oh Jeremy Corbyn" and "Tories out" during the rally, while many carried banners saying Justice For Grenfell.

Image source, AFP

One protester told BBC News that "anger" had motivated her to join the protest, saying: "What's going on isn't good enough under the Tory government.

"There have been cuts to every single service you can think of. It's just the pure negligence. How can you be cutting vital services?"

The organisers said on Facebook that they "invite everyone - from campaigns and community groups across the country, from the trade unions, from political parties and any individual - to come together in one massive show of strength and solidarity".

The statement added: "We're marching against a government committed to austerity, cuts and privatisation.

"We're marching for a decent health service, education system, housing, jobs and living standards for all."

Downing Street did not want to comment on the protest.

Image source, Reuters
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Labour's Diane Abbott joins the protest