News Daily: Brexit 'not Mad Max', and Oxfam bosses grilled

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Brexit won't be like Mad Max, says Davis

Brexit Secretary David Davis will move later to assuage any concerns about the UK's future outside the EU. In a speech in Austria, he will promise that there will be "no race to the bottom" in terms of workers' rights and environmental standards. Mr Davis will also say the country will not see itself "plunged into a Mad Max-style world borrowed from dystopian fiction".

His speech is one in a series by government ministers on what leaving the EU should mean. Here are details of the big Brexit-related events expected this year. And, why not reappraise yourself of the situation in general, using this guide written by the BBC's Alex Hunt and Brian Wheeler?

Oxfam bosses to face MPs

Oxfam has apologised to the government of Haiti over allegations that some of its staff used sex workers in the country in 2011. But the intense scrutiny of the charity's handling of the scandal shows no sign of calming down. The Commons international development committee is to question chief executive Mark Goldring and chair of trustees Caroline Thomson about its safeguarding policies. The session starts at 10:30 GMT.

Make 'upskirting' a criminal offence, say campaigners

It's a violation of privacy that causes victims huge distress, but currently there is no specific offence of "upskirting" - covertly photographing under the skirts of women - in UK law. Campaigners say charging suspects with other offences to try to tackle the problem isn't working.

A freedom of information request by the Press Association reveals only 11 known cases of charges for upskirting-related crimes since 2015. Maria Miller, the Conservative MP who chairs the Commons women and equalities committee, said stronger laws could improve the situation.

Have the Winter Olympics repaired North-South Korea relations?

By Prof Robert Kelly, Pusan National University

South Korea's liberal media has spoken of an "Olympic spirit" smoothing talks with the North, as has the liberal administration of President Moon Jae-in. But not everyone is quite so happy. Conservatives are so unnerved that editorials in South Korea's right-wing media regularly argue against conceding too much to Pyongyang in any discussions.

One concern is that the North could ask for a halt to joint South Korean and US military exercises, in exchange for a vague promise of a freeze to its missile or nuclear programmes, on which it will then cheat.

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What the papers say

Image source, Daily Telegraph, Sun

The Daily Telegraph leads on demands for Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn to authorise the release of an East German file about him from the Cold War era. As the Daily Mail reports, this follows Prime Minister Theresa May asking Mr Corbyn "to be open about his relations with a former Czech spy".

Labour has previously dismissed "the claim that Jeremy Corbyn was an agent, asset or informer for any intelligence agency" as an "entirely false and a ridiculous smear". Elsewhere, the Sun reports on fast-food chain KFC having to close 700 of its stores after running out of a fairly important ingredient...

Daily digest

Gig economy case Plumber's legal battle for working rights reaches Supreme Court

Corbyn speech Labour leader promises to curb power of City of London

Mental health Debt-chasing of people with troubles is creating a crisis, warns charity

Office mania Look at 10 David Brents from around the world

If you see one thing today

If you listen to one thing today

If you read one thing today


Today Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and International Trade Secretary Liam Fox address the EEF National Manufacturing Conference in central London.

12:00 The burial of Zimbabwean opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai, who died last week, takes place in his home village of Buhera.

On this day

1962 John Glenn becomes the first American to orbit the Earth, his craft landing safely in the Atlantic Ocean just under five hours after taking off from Cape Canaveral, Florida.

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