Trump visit: First lady meets Chelsea Pensioners

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First Lady Melania Trump and Philip May, rightImage source, EPA
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First Lady Melania Trump and Philip May, right, went to the Royal Hospital Chelsea in west London

First Lady Melania Trump has met the Chelsea Pensioners during a visit to the Royal Hospital Chelsea, with Prime Minister Theresa May's husband, Philip.

As their spouses met for talks during the president's UK visit, Mrs Trump and Mr May spoke to the retired soldiers, who are famous for their red tunics.

Mrs Trump will rejoin Mr Trump later for his visit to Windsor Castle.

There, the couple will meet the Queen, before flying to the president's Turnberry golf resort in Scotland.

Mr May and Mrs Trump helped veterans and local schoolchildren assemble poppies for the Royal British Legion.

In a nod to British fashion, Mrs Trump wore a striped Victoria Beckham dress to the event.

Image source, Reuters
Image source, Reuters

The first lady spoke to the schoolchildren in front of a sign referencing her Be Best campaign to teach children the importance of physical, social and emotional health.

Image source, Press Association
Image source, Reuters

She then rounded off her visit with a game of bowls.

Mr May also took part. It is not known who won.

Image source, EPA
Image source, EPA
Image source, Getty Images

As Mrs Trump made her Chelsea visit, Mr Trump spent Friday morning with the prime minister, watching a joint counter-terrorism exercise by UK and US special forces.

They then went to Chequers, her country residence, for talks, along with newly appointed Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt.

Their meeting comes after Mr Trump's interview with the Sun newspaper, external, in which he said the Mrs May's proposed Brexit plan "would probably kill" any trade deal with the US, and said former Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson would make "a great prime minister".

Downing Street has not yet reacted to Mr Trump's remarks.

Theresa May has been making the case for a US free trade deal, and says Brexit is an "unprecedented opportunity" to create jobs in the UK and US.

The US president and his wife were given a red carpet reception at Blenheim Palace, Oxfordshire, on Thursday evening.