Being homeless 'knocks the core out of you'

More than half of families living in temporary accommodation in England are in employment, says housing charity Shelter.

Its analysis suggests 55% of families (33,000) living in temporary digs were also working in 2017 - up 73% on 2013.

The charity blames a mix of expensive private rents, a housing benefit freeze and a chronic lack of social housing.

The government said it was investing £1.2bn to support homeless people.

Channel 4 Dispatches has created a programme looking at homelessness in working people.

Presenter Datshiane Navanayagam has experienced homelessness herself.

"The basic reason why anyone goes to work, is because they think that should at least afford them somewhere to live and when that's not happening, you're in a very frightening situation," she told BBC Breakfast.

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