Michelle Obama: Schoolgirls receive video call from former first lady

Former US first lady Michelle Obama has reconnected with a group of London schoolgirls she first met 10 years ago.

Mrs Obama spent an hour speaking by video call to pupils from Elizabeth Garrett Anderson (EGA) School in Islington and Mulberry School for Girls in Tower Hamlets on Wednesday.

She visited the schools between 2009 and 2015 during her time as first lady.

Mrs Obama told them: "Conversations like these keep me optimistic. Meeting all of you, watching your growth.

"You all give me hope. No matter how high you get or how smart you are, or how successful, life will throw you things that you're not necessarily prepared for. And if you know how to get yourself through it you will succeed."

You can watch more of the interview on The One Show (weekdays, BBC One, 7pm), which is available to watch on demand on iPlayer.

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