Milton Keynes student barbers help men with mental health

Student barbers have been awarded for their work spotting the signs of men suffering with their mental health.

MK College was named "exceptional college of the year" by the Lions Barber Collective, a charity dedicated to preventing male suicide.

Charity founder Tom Chapman said: "I think, as a hairdresser or barber, we are a familiar stranger, we're not part of your social circle, people feel comfortable talking to us."

Trainee barber Jennine Adams said: "The reason I got into barbering is because I wanted to make a difference in men's lives and help support their mental health."

If you need help, there's advice on who to contact at BBC Advice. Alternatively, call the Samaritans on 116123 or Childline on 0800 1111. Mental health resources are also available at BBC Headroom.