Theresa May and Mary Berry support Bisham carol service

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Mary Berry & Theresa May
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Readers at the carol service included television chef Mary Berry and former PM Theresa May

A local carol service was a "great success" as celebrities such as chef Mary Berry and former PM Theresa May showed their support.

This was the third annual carol service at Bisham church, near Maidenhead in Berkshire.

Organiser Graham Barker said: "The church was packed and it was a terrific occasion."

It raised over £1,500 for St John Ambulance, a charity which keeps the community safe and relies on donations.

Mr Barker said: "The choir Tamesis was outstanding and our star speakers gave beautifully moving readings. Mary Berry read a lovely poem called 'Footprints in the sand' and Theresa May read from St John's Gospel."

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Louise Rapple Moore (centre) conducted the Berkshire choir Tamesis at Bisham Church

Mr Barker explained that all funds raised at the service go towards "the great work that St John Ambulance does to ensure our safety".

St John Ambulance is a charity that relies on donations to engage more young people in first aid, train and equip volunteers, run ambulances and keep our communities safe.

Mr Barker said: "Thanks are due to all the readers including Lieutenant General Philip Jones, Richard Bennett and Michael Hattey. Also to Revd John Smith at Bisham, and Diana Evans and Clive Lawson Smith for organising the mince pies and wine which were enjoyed by everyone after the service."

He added: "It is marvellous to have raised over £1,500 for St John Ambulance - thanks to all those who supported this wonderful event for a brilliant charity".

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