Birmingham airport staff call off strike over new pay deal

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Unite said worker's "patient and professionalism during this dispute was exemplary"

Airport staff have called off industrial action after securing a 10.5% pay increase.

More than 150 security officers and terminal technicians at Birmingham were due to walk out as part of planned strike action on 18 July.

But it was delayed while union members voted on the new one-year pay offer, which they have accepted.

Unite said workers' "patience and professionalism during this dispute was exemplary".

It will also see two new Unite workplace reps and a wider collective bargaining agreement put in place, it added.

Birmingham Airport Limited, which directly employs the security and terminal staff said workers will see a 10.5% pay increase plus a 2.75% (of salary) bonus for staff group colleagues at Birmingham Airport Ltd.

A BHX spokesperson said: "We are pleased colleagues have voted to accept the company's pay offer. This means we can now focus fully on serving our customers."

If the offer had not been accepted industrial action would have instead gone ahead on 1 August, at the height of the school summer holidays.

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