Bristol rogue landlord 'posed serious risk to life'
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The accommodation was so badly built the tenants were in constant danger, the council said
A man who rented out accommodation that posed a "serious risk to life" has been fined £87,000.
Rogue landlord Deepak Singh Sachdeva was renting out "flats" above his Premier Convenience shop premises on Avonmouth Road in Bristol.
Nine people, including two children and a pregnant woman, were found across two separate living spaces. Children were found sleeping in cupboards.
The conditions there were among the worst ever seen, the council said.
The landlord and shop owner of Moresby Avenue, Surrey, did not turn up to Bristol Magistrates' Court, but on 4 March he was found guilty in his absence at of five counts of failing to comply with regulations in respect of managing multiple occupants.
Bristol City Council said the accommodation was of "poor structural condition and design", adding there was "very poor" fire resistant separation between the shop and the space above.
'Serious danger'
Councillor Paul Smith, cabinet member for housing, said: "These were some of the worst conditions environmental health officers working in this field have seen.
"The property had been so badly built and managed that the tenants were constantly in serious danger."
Inspectors also found large gaps around fire doors, offering no protection from potential fire or smoke hazards, and no working fire detection.
Mr Smith added: "This case is a prime example of a rogue landlord who has put the safety and welfare of tenants at risk and has been rightly convicted and fined for this.
"We are committed to investigating substandard accommodation and bringing landlords or agents that profit illegally from it to justice."
- Published2 July 2018
- Published28 February 2020
- Published6 February 2020