Cemeteries in Cornwall 'running out of space'
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Falmouth cemetery is expected to run out of space in less than two years
Burial space in cemeteries in Cornwall could run out in 20 years, according to a council report.
Cornwall Council has measured capacity in response to concerns burial space "will be overtaken by demand in some areas within a few years".
Some areas have already run out of space with families having to take up plots in neighbouring districts.
The local authority is expecting the death rate to rise sharply as "baby-boomers" reach the end of their lives.
A council audit found an "uneven distribution of burial space" in Cornwall that meant "in some areas people are already required to travel reasonable distances to burial spaces".
The report said: "The worst case scenario is that there is only 20 years of remaining burial space in Cornwall, if no more cemeteries are developed."
Burial spaces
Total available graves in Cornwall
11,719 Graves available in Cornwall Council cemeteries
18,873 Graves available in cemeteries run by town and parish councils
3,262 Graves available in churchyards
The net cost to Cornwall Council for providing burial services was £339,000 in 2014-15 and the report noted solutions would be "expensive to implement".
It is not a statutory requirement for Cornwall Council to provide cemeteries and currently burial services are also offered by town and parish councils and the Church of England.
Cemeteries in the Falmouth and Penryn area are expected to reach capacity in two years.
Mark Williams, Falmouth Town Council clerk, said his authority had already stopped taking reservations for burial plots.
Mr Williams said councils were competing for land "in a market against housing developers" and could not win.
Predicted population growth means the number of deaths per year in Cornwall is expected to rise from 5,600 in 2014-15 to 6,657 in 2035.
Burying the dead
Cemeteries reach capacity
The approximate number of deaths in Cornwall every year
1,485 Number of burials in Cornwall in 2014-15
4,114 The number of cremations in Cornwall in 2014-15
About 26% of people in Cornwall opt for burial with a slow trend towards cremation.
The total supply of burial space in Cornwall is estimated to be used up by 2035 if no more cemeteries are developed.
The council said it was considering a number of options including buying more land and devolving administration of all cemeteries to town and parish councils.
In a statement it said it needed to "start considering the options now" to "ensure that we can meet future demands".
- Published27 September 2013