Coventry taxi driver saves woman from sex trafficker

This is the moment a pregnant woman was saved from a sex trafficker when a taxi driver raised the alarm.

The woman, who has since returned to Romania, was three months pregnant when she responded to an advert for masseuses and arrived in the UK on 16 February, West Midlands Police said.

Earlier this month, Romanian national Robert Enescu was convicted of trafficking her from his homeland to Coventry.

Police intercepted the woman on 20 February following a call from the taxi driver, who had been booked by Enescu to take her to a brothel in St Christians Road in the city.

Enescu, of no fixed address, was arrested on 22 February, and denied involvement. He skipped bail the day before his trial was due to begin.

The 26-year-old was jailed in his absence for nine years at Warwick Crown Court and is still being hunted by police.

The taxi driver is now in line for a commendation from the force.