Coronavirus: Police officers investigated for 'barbecue breach'

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Bedworth police stationImage source, Google
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Bedworth police station has been "deep cleaned" since the officers tested positive

The actions of police officers who allegedly breached social distancing rules by attending a barbecue is "disappointing", a police boss said.

Five Warwickshire officers who tested positive for coronavirus are the subject of an internal investigation over the allegations.

The Daily Mail reported the officers, external went to a bank holiday barbecue, when full lockdown was in place.

A police spokesman said the source of the infections was unknown.

Six officers have since tested positive, but not all of them are subject to the internal misconduct investigation, the force said.

'Really disappointing'

Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe said: "I think this behaviour is below the standards we expect... this is the wrong message."

He added: "I've been really pleased with the way that the force have acted and joined with the community in stopping the virus spread, so this incident is not helpful and it's really disappointing and we need to understand why it happened."

"Extensive work" was carried out to trace any close contact the officers had with colleagues and members of the public.

Bedworth station - where the officers are based - has been deep-cleaned, police said.

None of the officers who tested positive required hospital treatment, and they were self-isolating at home.

Reports suggest officers attended a barbecue on 25 May, when full lockdown was in place.

Assistant Chief Constable Alex Franklin-Smith said: "We know this will be worrying for our workforce and for the local community.

"I can assure them that we have acted quickly and in partnership with health agencies to respond to this situation, and at the same time have maintained the level of service provided from Bedworth."

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