Warwickshire Police worker denies relationship claims

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Alan ButlerImage source, Paul Beard
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Alan Butler denies two charges of misconduct in a public office

A former Warwickshire Police officer has repeatedly denied having a relationship with a witness while working as a staff investigator.

Alan Butler, 64, who lives in Nuneaton, has pleaded not guilty to two charges of misconduct in a public office.

During his trial at Warwick Crown Court he denied touching the woman's knee, sending indecent images or having any form or sexual activity with her.

He also denied kissing her or receiving indecent messages.

A jury at Warwick Crown Court heard Mr Butler had been a police officer for 30 years from 1975 until he retired, then re-joined the force as a police staff investigator.

While in that role he was involved with the cases of two women and he told the court he had taken the first woman home after going over a transcript of an interview with her.

He said he did it because it was getting late and dark, and stayed for 10 or 15 minutes to go over what had happened with her and her brother.

He said he sat down on the sofa with her there, but denied a claim he put his hand on her knee or leg and said: "No, I never touch."

And he denied he might have touched her accidentally.

He also said that while he was at the home of another witness he answered his phone and said "hello you", but said he was speaking to his wife and not the woman.

After a trial in which she had given evidence he said she got in touch to ask for information she needed to make a compensation claim and her paid her a visit to pass it on.

Mr Butler said he visited the address 'probably between 10 and 20 times,' and did not find her an easy person to deal with, explaining: "She was very high maintenance in the way she behaved, and would fly off the handle."

Prosecutor Grace Ong asked him: "On any occasion you visited did you ever kiss her?" Mr Butler replied: "No, your Honour."

He was asked: "Did you have sexual intercourse with her." He answered: "I can't do it. No, your Honour."

The trial continues.

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