Man jailed for nine years for raping girl in Warwick

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Sheikh MahmoodImage source, Warwickshire Police
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Sheikh Mahmood, 27, arranged to meet a 13-year-old girl before raping her in a car park

A man who raped a 13-year-old girl after talking to her on social media has been jailed for nine years.

Sheikh Mahmood, 27, from Whitehall Road, West Bromwich, attacked the teenager after arranging to meet her in February.

He drove her to a car park in Warwick where he raped her, Warwickshire Police said.

He was found guilty of rape and supplying a controlled Class B drug at Warwick Crown Court.

Det Con James Stone-Fewings said: "This was a hugely traumatic incident and I'd like to commend the victim for the bravery she has shown in coming forward."

He said specially trained officers have supported the girl involved.

"I also hope Mahmood's conviction will provide reassurance to other victims of sexual offences and give them the confidence to report, safe in the knowledge that they will be listened to and supported," Det Con Stone-Fewings said.

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