Life-sized crochet soldier unveiled at Erewash Museum

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Crochet soldierImage source, Erewash Borough Council
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The tribute took about 200 hours to make and will be on display until July

A 6ft (183cm) tall crochet soldier has been unveiled at a Derbyshire museum.

The tribute went on display at Erewash Museum on Saturday and will be there until 13 July.

It was positioned outside All Saints church in Stanley Common, near the town of Ilkeston in Derbyshire, in November to mark Remembrance Day.

Jilly Crofts, who made the soldier, said: "I think it is fantastic there is going to be the opportunity for people to see it that couldn't at the time."

She added: "I had so many people and organisations that wanted it. I chose Erewash Museum because I spent many happy hours there with my daughter as she was growing up over the years.

"I can't believe how it has taken off so phenomenally well."

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The soldier - much of which is made out of chicken wire - was created by Jilly Crofts

Ms Crofts, 57, who said it took 12 balls of wool to make, said: "I was amazed with how it touched the hearts of so many people.

"I had messages from all around the world from veterans and serving families in the Army, everybody.

"I never imagined in my wildest dreams when I made it that it would go so viral."

Image source, A Breath Of Country Air
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The creation will be part of an exhibition called Yarns of Valour

The creation, which took about 200 hours to make, will be part of an exhibition called Yarns of Valour, which will tell stories of people and civilians involved in conflicts around the world, as well as feature previously unseen photographs from the museum collection.

Jo Brown, from the museum, said: "We are proud to have this amazing creation on display."

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