Lib Dems retain control of North Devon Council

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North Devon
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The Liberal Democrats now have 22 seats on North Devon Council

The Liberal Democrats have retained control of North Devon Council.

The party secured a majority of one - an improvement of one councillor compared with 2019. The Lib Dems already had a majority of one after winning a by-election in December 2022.

The Conservatives went from 12 seats to seven compared with the last full council election.

The Greens gained one seat - taking the party's total number of councillors to three.

David Worden, Lib Dem leader on North Devon Council, said he was "absolutely delighted", adding the result was partly driven by "national issues".

"It's the environment, it's the cost of living crisis," he said.

'Great feeling'

Lib Dem Syed Yusef took Barnstaple Central from the Greens.

The anti-bullying campaigner told the BBC: "[It's an] absolutely great feeling. I'm the first person from a Muslim background."

The Liberal Democrats now have 22 seats on North Devon Council, the Conservatives seven, Independent and others hold 10 seats and the Greens have three.

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