Devon mum gives birth to baby in Tesco superstore

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Lauren holding baby Edward
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Lauren gave birth to her son Edward in the bathroom of Tesco Tiverton

A mum from Devon went into her local Tesco for pain medicine and cat food but left with a new baby.

Lauren Ewings was visiting the Tiverton superstore at about 09:45 GMT on Monday when her waters broke.

Helped by two members of staff, she gave birth to her son Edward 20 minutes later in the store's toilets.

Ms Ewings said: "It doesn't seem believable at points. I can't help but laugh."

Shift leader Lisa Haymes, who is trained in first aid and helped deliver the baby, said: "I've never seen anything like what happened on Monday."

Listen: Devon woman gives birth in local supermarket

It was the first natural birth for mum-of three Ms Ewings, who had emergency caesarean sections twice previously.

'It's very shocking'

Ms Ewings, who is from Tiverton, said: "I took myself to Tesco to go grab some paracetamol, ibuprofen and some cat food and as I was walking through the door my waters literally went.

"As I got into the bathroom it progressed really, really quickly so I called my mum. She's called an ambulance on her end.

"Lisa the first-aider literally came through the doors, she was putting her gloves on as she came in, and as she is walking through the door I am literally handing her the baby. "She thought she was there to be supporting me until the paramedics arrived but instead we ended up catching the baby together and delivering it together.

"It's very shocking, still thinking about it."

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It was the first natural birth for the mum-of three who had emergency caesarean sections twice previously

Edward, who was born four weeks before his due date, weighed 6lb 2oz (2.7kg).

He was treated for jaundice under a blue light and spent two nights in hospital but is now doing well.

Alex Hasted, Ms Ewings' fiance, thought his partner was joking when he received her phone call from Tesco.

"I was shocked," he said. "I thought it was a prank until I heard the baby's cries, his screams, that's when the penny dropped.

"It was a bit of fear, I was worried for her and the baby, and it was excitement all at once."

Mr Hasted said his initial worries had now turned into relief.

He said: "Now it's time for joy and to celebrate his life and to move forward and make happy memories.

"He is a healthy boy and he is going to grow up to be a happy boy."

Ms Haymes, who has worked for Tesco for 30 years, said: "While I am first-aid trained, you're never taught how to deliver a baby.

"I hope when Eddie grows he'll hold a special place in his heart for our store in Tiverton."